Clinical trial of pulpotomy in permanent teeth by using three different bio-ceramic materials

25th International Conference on Dental Treatment
September 10-11, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland

Feroze Ali

Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Pakistan

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Dent Craniofac Res

DOI: 10.21767/2576-392X-C3-008


Despite the high success rate of non-surgical root canal treatment of permanent teeth in caries-exposed pulp, the procedure is more complicated and expensive. Moreover, the longevity of root-treated teeth is lesser than teeth with sound pulp. Complete pulpotomy is vital pulp therapy procedure in which the coronal inflamed pulp tissues are removed while radicular tissues are preserved. The procedure usually recommended for immature teeth with reversible pulpitis. The radicular pulp is preserved in order to ensure the continued root formation. Advent of new calcium-silicate materials like MTA made the paradigm shift in the field of endodontic and vital and regenerative pulp therapy procedures. These materials are found to be promoting/inducing the pulp healing and regenerative potential of pulp. In current research papers these materials have been used for either partial or complete pulpotomy in caries-exposed mature permanent teeth with favorable outcome. In our study which was performed at the Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro, Pakistan twenty mature permanent teeth with irreversible pulpitis treated by complete pulpotomy procedure with calcium-silicate based materials. So, in this paper we will highlight the outcome of our study and factors which determine the success of pulpotomy procedure in conjunction with clinical technique.


Feroze Ali has completed his FCPS (Fellow of College of Physicians & Surgeons) from College of Physicians & Surgeons, Pakistan and Bachelor of Dentistry from Liaquat Medical College, Jamshoro, Pakistan. He is the Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro, Pakistan. He has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals.


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