ISSN : 2471-8041
Ahmed Masaoud Mohamed, S A Salam, Al B Osman, M A Kamara and M S Amjad
Aldara Hospital and Medical Centre-Al-Faisal University, KSA
ScientificTracks Abstracts: Med Case Rep
DOI: 10.21767/2471-8041-C2-005
Introduction: The treatment of hypospadias is full of challenges not because of the operation technique itself but because of some other factors like: delayed diagnosis, continuation of regular long term follow up and relative high complications.
Objectives: A summary of the possible challenges we may face in managing hypospadias patients from birth till adulthood.
Methodology: Collection of personal experience and literature regarding hypospadias management and its challenges with some suggestions to deal with these challenges in better way.
Discussion: Many known surgical procedures have been established for hypospadias. The selection of the right procedure each patient is an individual decision which varies with location of urethral orifice, other associated problems and center experience and this decision is usually taken intraoperatively. The management of theses patient should also include the psychosocial aspect and the continued education of the patient and family.
Results: It is valuable that every surgeon dealing with hypospadias has to be aware of these challenges and how to manage them. The management of other aspects like psychosocial support should be considered.
Conclusions: A comprehensive knowledge of these challenges and their management is necessary for every surgeon dealing with these patients. Management of hypospadias is not only the surgical procedure but it includes at the same time the long term follow up, psychosocial support and continuous patient and family education.
Ahmed Masaoud Mohamed has completed his medical study at University of Tripoli, Libya. He then finished his Urological Training and got his German Board and the European Board Urological Qualification in 2007, from Witten/Herdecke University in Germany and Postdoctoral Studies from the same University. He is a Consultant Urologist since 2009, now he is practicing as an Assistant Professor at Al-Faisal University, Riyadh, KSA. He has published many papers in reputed journals and has shared in many international congresses.
Medical Case Reports received 241 citations as per Google Scholar report