Cardiac Comorbidities in COPD Patients: A Cross Sectional Study

World Summit on COPD
March 07, 2022 | Webinar

U. Khattri

SRMS IMS Bareilly ��? Bareilly (India)

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis


Introduction: There could be potential extrapulmonary effects secondary to COPD out of which the most common one is the Cardiovascular (CVS) disease. Echocardiography is considered as an accurate rapid and non invasive modality for evaluation of cardiac functions which could help in identification of cardiac comorbidities and help to reduce COPD mortality and morbidity. The present study aimed to study cardiac comorbidities in COPD patients with the help of two dimensional (2-D) echocardiography. Materials and methods: 110 COPD patients who consented, were included in this observational study, and were investigated with chest X-ray, spirometry, ECG, and 2-D echocardiography. The results were compiled and analysed to determine the association of CVS involvement with COPD and other factors. Results: Majority (63.64%) of the COPD patients were associated with cardiovascular involvement. Findings reported among patients included in the study were -Regional wall abnormality (3.64%), Global hypokinesia (6.36%); Valvular abnormality (41.82%). Among 46 patients with valvular abnormality there was mild TR - 65.22%, moderate TR - 4.35%, severe TR- 10.87%, mild AS-8.7%, had mild AR-10.87%, severe AR-2.17%. 17.39% had mild MR, 4.35% had moderate MR, 2.17% had severe MR, 2.17% had mild MS, 2.17% had moderate MS. In majority (66.36%) of patients, PAH was absent followed by mild PAH (20.00%) and severe PAH (7.27%). PAH was moderate in only 7 out of 110 patients. Cor pulmonale was present in only 20.91% of patients. LVH and LVDD was seen in 8.18% of patients, DCMP in 6.36% of patient and LVSD in 3.64% of patients. Conclusion: Screening COPD patients for cardiac diseases may help in identification of the subset of group at increased risk of morbidity and mortality and may help in early intervention for the same.


Dr. Utkarsh Khattri (MBBS, MD) has masters in the subject of respiratory medicine and critical care. He has been active in providing front line services to the critical COVID-19 patients. He has publications in distinguished journals of international repute. With deep understanding on the subject, and extensive clinical research, he has established the association of cardiovascular involvement in COPD patients, which is of value to identify the ones who are at risk of developing fatal complications, later in life.

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