ISSN : ISSN No. 2472-1123
Estelle Banaszak Leonard, C Imbs and V Jeux
ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Org Inorg Chem
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C1-020
Radical chemistry is of great interest in many chemical areas, such as medicinal chemistry, material chemistry or polymers, or even formulation, in order to understand and prevent radical disorders. However, despite the lasting interest in performing radical syntheses, the use of innovative techniques for a more eco-friendly approach remains occasional. We will focus on examples showing how natural products can undergo radical transformations under innovative techniques. It will be shown that the combination of uncommon energetic devices with greener solvent can shorten reaction times, or even promote the envisioned reaction. By using aromatic aldehydes, (un)modified amino acids or fatty acids, the molecules from such radical processes can be used in a wide range of applications. Biocides, surfactants, electron-transfer materials or even synthons are real options for molecules valorization.
Estelle Banaszak-Léonard has received her PhD from Lorraine University in Polar Organometallic Field. Then, she moved to Birmingham (UK) University for her first Postdoctoral position , followed by a second one in Le Mans University, where she began to study azobenzenes for the CNRS Center. Since 2008, she is serving as an Assistant Professor in ESCOM/TIMR in Compiègne and in charge of the Organic Team from 2017.
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry received 150 citations as per Google Scholar report