Assessing the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen in the Northern Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana: Locus of intervention model

9th Edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine & Public Health
July 16-17, 2018 London, UK

Paul Amo Kyeremeh, Esther Amo Kyeremeh and Patsy Adams

Adventist University of Africa, Kenya

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Prev Med

DOI: 10.21767/2572-5483-C1-002


Background: Not much has been documented about the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen in the Brong-Ahafo region of Ghana. This study was conducted in six traditional areas in the Northern Part of Brong-Ahafo Region to ascertain the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen among the respondents to recommend intervention strategies for control and prevention. Methods: The data was obtained from the Department of Preventive Healthcare and Lifestyle Medicine at Valley View University Hospital, Techiman. Sample Population: They were 444 respondents, 198 (44.6%) males and 246 (55.4%) females. The sample population was between 18 and 59 years old adults. Data gathering procedure: The blood sample was collected by a finger prick. Study Design & Delimitation: The study is basically cross sessional. This paper is to assess the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen among the respondents. The serum blood sample was not taken but the whole blood from a finger pricks. This study is again limited to the causes and spread of hepatitis B surface antigen since such data could be obtained from the peer review journals, textbooks, and qualitative or clinical research. Results: Out of 444 respondents, 415 (93.5%) had negative hepatitis B surface antigen, 29 (6.5%) respondents tested positive 15 (3.3%) males and 14 (3.2%) females. Cumulatively, 4.3% of the sample population was positive. Conclusion: Health education on the awareness, mode of transmission, effects and the prevention of hepatitis B surface antigen are timely needed to save several thousand from poorer health outcome and mortalities in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana which is likely due to hepatitis B virus antigen.


Dr. Paul Amo Kyeremeh is a Ghanaian, and the President of Mid-North Ghana Conference of Seventh Day Adventist Church. He holds degrees in BA Religions, MPH in Health Ministries, and DrPH in Preventive Health Care. Currently he is pursuing PhD in Development Administration at Philippines Christian University to blend Public Health and Development as a tool towards a Nation building and Life Extension. Dr. Amo is a Pastor of Seventh Day Adventist Church, Public Health Expert in Preventive Health Care (Metabolic Syndrome Risk) who has given several motivational talks on contemporary issues in Public Health, and development to groups, individuals, and institutions in countries like Ghana, Nigeria, Philippines, and China. Again he has served as Administrator of SDA Hospital Sunyani – Ghana. On Development, he is known for capacity building and infrastructural developments. Dr. Amo advocates for equity, and social justices. Again he has served on several boards such as ADRA Ghana, Advent Press, Pisgah Advanced Medical Center, as Health Director of Mid-West Ghana Conference of SDA, etc. Interestingly he is a co-founder of Pisgah Advanced Medical Center, & the founder of Center For Life Transforming, all in Ghana. Last but not the least he is adjunct Public Health lecture for the school of graduate studies of Adventist University of Africa, Kenya. Dr. Amo is with the view that African is capable to develop itself with selfless leadership to prolong its life expectancy.


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