ISSN : ISSN: 2471-8203

Journal of Obesity & Eating Disorders

Anti-obesity activity of medicinal plants: A Review

15th International Conference on Obesity Medicine
October 30-31, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand

Muhammad Akram and Syed Muhammad Ali Shah

University of Poonch, Pakistan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Obes Eat Disord

DOI: 10.21767/2471-8203-C1-006


In traditional medicine, medicinal plants are used to treat obesity. The aim of the present study is to document medicinal plants that have been proved for their anti-obesity activity. Bibliographic investigation was carried out by analyzing classical text books and peer reviewed papers, consulting worldwide accepted scientific databases. Plants/their parts/extracts are traditionally used for obesity have been considered as anti-obesity agents. The different systems of medicines have their different ways for the assessment of obesity as well as its treatment. In this article, we have listed medicinal plants in the table no. (1)which have proven anti-obesity and related beneficial effects and of herbal drugs used in treatment of obesity is compiled. This review suggests that medicinal plants regulate the lipid metabolism and can be prescribed to treat obesity. Their results are magnificent and considerable. However, their mechanisms of actions are still on the way.