Answering questions and challenges in the management of health ex-smoking and COPD patients

World Summit on COPD
March 07, 2022 | Webinar

Uribe Echevarría Loli

Servicio de Neumonolog�?­a. Sanatorio Allende - Nueva C�?³rdoba, Argentina

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis


GOLD defined COPD as a preventable disease and suggest therapeutic strategy, so new proven diagnostic tests are needed in order to allow an early and complete disease assessment. The aim of this study was to identify the best method of cellular biomarker to help an assessment of smokers patients, to early diagnosis, prevent of the disease and choose the specific therapy for COPD patients. We analyzed the sputum differential cell phenotype of healthy ex-smoking (HS 33) and patients with COPD (85) according to GOLD A (19) B (29) C (19) D (18). Eosinophils count from blood and sputum were correlated and compared the FEV1 within 1 year in the HS group. The population included female (47) and male (71) (NS). Age, P/ Y and FEV1% post BD were statistically significant between HS and COPD patients (p <0.02, p <0.04 p <0.01 respectively). The predominant cell pattern in sputum was Eosinophilic (E 53), neutrophilic (N 21), mixed (M 15) and paucigranulocitic (P 29). In the HS group predominated E. Cell pattern in each COPD group was statistically significant (p ≤ 0.001). N phenotype in group A; E and M in groups B and C and in group D, N pattern. Compared blood and sputum eosinophils of COPD group, observing a significant positive correlation (p = 0.003) nevertheless S, S, PPV, NPV of eosinophils in blood was weak 67%, 70%, 74% and 63% respectively. The analysis of FEV1 within 1 year in the HS group revealed a rapid decrease in E phenotype. In conclusion differential cell patterns were recognizes in HS and COPD stages emphasized the importance of identifying factors that conditioning the onset of the disease in HS for early diagnosis and to prevent the disease evolution; a personalized and optimal therapy would imply the search of the cellular phenotype, suggested induced sputum by greater precision.


Uribe Echevarría Loli was studied at Servicio de Neumonología. Sanatorio Allende - Nueva Córdoba

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