ISSN : 2471- 805X

Journal of Pediatric Care

Analysis of adolescent health information need through national health hotline counseling and construction of adolescent health counseling service platform

Joint Event on 18th International Conference on Pediatrics Health & 2nd Edition of International Conference on Adolescent Health & Medicine
August 06-07, 2018 Madrid, Spain

Ying Cui

Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Pediatr Care

DOI: 10.21767/2471-805X-C3-012


12320 health hotline is an important platform for health information services with 1478 call center seats, websites, SMS, Micro-blogging, WeChat, App, self-service terminals and other channels, which is also used to provide convenient health information advisory services to the adolescent, to guide adolescents to master health knowledge, improve health literacy, form health behaviors, have access to existing adolescent health services. Analysis results of adolescent health counseling on 12320 health hotline from Nov. 2017 to Apr. 2018 show that, the top 5 hot consultation calls are questions about AIDS(68.93%), immunization(16.83%), mental health(7.12%), tobacco control(4.85%) and sexual and reproductive health(1.94%). AIDS transmission, incubation and symptoms, what kinds of vaccine should be vaccinated and where to vaccinate, how to quit smoking, mental health and emotion problems are the consultation focus. We organized the experts in adolescent health fields to develop adolescent health education core messages and its definitions, which is disseminated on 12320 platform in all kinds of ways adolescents like and easily to accept. It is easy for teenagers to accept because of the concealment of telephone calls, the rapid dissemination and extensive use of new media. Once the adolescent have any health problems, they can call 12320 health hotline or search the related information on 12320 websites, micro-blogging and WeChat. They can also use online consultation on 12320 WeChat platform to dialogue with experts.