ISSN : 2574-2825
Faye Shorthouse
Guys and St Thomas′s NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Keynote: J Nurs Health Stud
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C2-004
Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust provides specialist occupational health physiotherapy through selfreferral to a population of 15,000 staff. The service is evolving from a 1:1 traditional care model to a stratified management pathway of various interventions to optimally meet the variable needs of the population. Work-related back pain remains a significant proportion of referrals received within the service and a predominant cause for sickness and absenteeism. The aim of this pilot is to investigate the efficiency of a novel and bespoke one-off workshop for staff that have self-referred with chronic low back pain; taking the evidence-based approach of a multi-disciplinary educational workshop to deliver all pertinent information and provide an exercise component to allow staff to feel empowered to self-manage their condition. We have analysed both self-perceived health scores and occupational health absence, and categorised staff based on their start back scores. We have found that self-perceived health outcomes correlate with the risk scoring on the start back questionnaire; and sickness absence and health outcomes improve during the three month period, showing this to be an effective intervention for managing occupational back pain. Back pain is the largest musculoskeletal referral complaint and has a great impact on economy and efficiency of any workforce. Significance should also be placed on the impact this has to the individual, with regards to their health and wellbeing. Therefore, managing back pain within any workforce in the most effective way should be a priority for any organisation.
Faye Shorthouse completed her Honors degree in Physiotherapy from University of Hertforshire in 2005. She has worked in three large teaching hospitals. She has specialisation in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and completed her MSc in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. In 2015, she became a Specialist Physiotherapist in Occupational Health Service at Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust. Presently, she works clinically within musculoskeletal physiotherapy and is Deputy Lead for the musculoskeletal physiotherapy team.
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies received 471 citations as per Google Scholar report