ISSN : ISSN No. 2472-1123
Linghai Xie
Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China
ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Org Inorg Chem
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C5-014
A failure of the quick knowledge transfer of one-pot protocols of a spirofluorene, SFX, to graduate inspired me deep thinking 12 years ago. A mutually four-element principle were described as the matter-energy-information-consciousness (MEIC) = whole cycle that can be also transformed into converse CIEM expression such as motivation-literature-experiencepaper = knowledge or principle-design-engineering-innovation = technology as well as attention-blueprint-execute-existance = being by means of a self-similar self-analysis of mine at background of NJUPT. As a result, I am aware of Daoism and realized the coming era of consciousness after the update intelligence of machine that will completely change the role of chemists in society and universe. In order to keep up with the times, firstly, a hierarchical supercycle from carbon atom to synthetic chemists via artifical intelligent robots have been described that inspired students in the field of chemistry for the integration of knowledge at various area. Secondly, we offer a PhD course (PhDC) with 12 nodes that tell graduates how to discover the knowledge via the process of life-languagephilosophy- science for transferring their attention from hot points of social society to research projects of chemistry area. Thirdly, a training course of operation under the logic decision with a feature of de-principle has been set up for the practice of experiment, characterization, simulation computing as well as the visualization of science data. Finally, center for molecular systems& organic devices (CMSOD) focus on researching one kind of molecular systems and organic devices for robots that play the similar roles of DNA and cells in bio-life. Up to date, it took last ten-year to discover the fluorenoid nano-gridarenes that is a giant family of hierarchical molecular worlds, including various monogrids, multigrids, oligogrids and polygrids as well as smart grids by cloning the objects at macroscopically human-scale world. Prospectively, self-similar four-element MEIC whole theory would make molecular intelligence possible that probably change the belief of human being.
Linghai Xie has completed his PhD in Macromolecular Chemistry by Fudan University (2006) and visiting researcher studies from Nanyang Technology University (2013). He has worked as professor of Organic Nanochemistry at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NJUPT). He has published more than 180 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a director of the Center for Molecular Systems & Organic Devices (CMSOD) at the Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM).
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry received 150 citations as per Google Scholar report