Focus Scope

Journal of Molecular Microbiology is an open access, interdisciplinary journal for the rapid publication of original articles and reviews that focus on basic and medical research and technology developments in all areas of molecular and microbiology.

The journal publishes the recent development in the field of:

  • Molecular Immunology
  • Epidemiology, Herpes viruses
  • Immune suppression caused by HIV
  • Lyme disease, Tuberculosis, Accinology
  • Molecular biology, Virology, Bacteriology
  • Parasitology, Mycology
  • Clinical medicine
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Computational Molecular Biology
  • Diagnostic Immunology
  • Epidemiology
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Molecular Evidences of Evolution
  • Microbial Culture
  • Human Systems and Physiology
  • Viral Immunology