Journal of Immunology and Microbiology

About Journal of Immunology and Microbiology

Journal of Immunology and Microbiology comprises an interactive researches in the area of host immune response and Infectious diseases. The Immunology field interests from understanding of immune protection to vaccine and drug improvement and Microbiology deals with the study of various range of microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, and others such as microbial pathogenesis, host interactions, laboratory techniques involving the interaction of antigens with specific antibodies, potential antibiotics of new class, vaccine development and efficacy, new strategies of vaccination,  antigen presentation, toxins and chemical and biological features pertaining to their ability to cause a disease.  The knowledge and understanding of both immunology and microbiology is essential for the study of infectious diseases. The journal’s aim is to spread and encourage modern scientific attainments, highly progressive, innovative and pioneering investigation in the field to prevent infection and improve human and animal health.

The Journal of Immunology and Microbiology confirms the earlier publication of high value articles with the support of its well-known Editorial board members. The Journal pursues to distribute International scholarly communication platform for dissemination of researches through its publications. It inspires authors to publish their new experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. All the articles submitted to the journal experience strict peer review done by the expert team of editors and reviewers. Two independent review comments followed by editor's decision will be considered to publish the any articles. Whole editorial team of the journal cordially works for the publication of scholarly and scientifically reliable articles on Immunology and Microbiology.

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Medical Microbiology

Medical Microbiology is the subdivision of microbiology that is practically applied to medicine, and medical science which is concerned with the prevention, analysis and treatment of infectious diseases. In other hand, this field of science provides numerous clinical applications of microbes for the development of health.

Medical microbiologists assist as consultants for physicians, providing identification of pathogens and proposing medication options. Other tasks may comprise the identification of possible health risks to the community or checking the evolution of possibly virulent or resistant strains of microbes, enlightening the public and helping in the design of health practices.

Microbial Infections

Infections caused by microorganisms are discussed in this session. Microbial infections are injurious to the health and some are not dangerous. Microbial infection can happen in humans as well as animals. Recently, research and advancements have been involved to diagnose and treat the diseases caused by microorganism. Changes in the surroundings like climate have made certain humans to contact with the newly identified infectious diseases. The most deadly Sexually Transmitted Diseases are caused by harmful bacteria. Viruses causes emerging infectious disease like flu, common cold and warts.

Microbial Immunology

To know the molecular mechanisms with the practise of microorganisms as a host, which cause disease or disorders in animals or humans is studied under Microbial immunology. Nutrients are gained by microorganisms from the host, which grows to multiply by reproduction, and the process is harmful which affects the negatively to the host body. To understand the staggering structures used by microbial pathogens, immunologists and microbiologists uses gadgets of inherited characteristics, sedate coordinated efforts, destructiveness components and biophysics.


Immunogenetics is the division of medical genetics that discovers the association between the immune system and genetics. Autoimmune diseases, like type 1 diabetes, are complex genetic traits which outcome from defects in the immune system. The term immunogenetics includes all practises of an organism, which are, on additionally, measured and influenced by the genes of the entity, and also important with regard to the immunological defense responses of the organism.


Immunotoxicity is well-defined as an adverse effects on the functioning of the immune system that effect from exposure to chemical constituents. Analysis for immunotoxicity is a customary part of evolving substances as possible new medicines. Symptoms of immunotoxicity can comprise increased rates or severity of infectious diseases or cancer. Toxic agents can also source autoimmune diseases, in which healthy tissue is attacked by the body’s own immune system.

Cancer immunology and Immunotherapy

Cancer Immunology is a division of biological science that deals with the understanding a part of the immune process in the advancement and growth of cancer. The most well-known application is cancer immunotherapy, which utilises the immune system as a medication or treatment for cancer.

Vaccines and Immunization

To raise the immunity to fight against a disease vaccines are used, and it can taken through needles, tablets, or by aerosol. Currently vaccines are highly developed to protect us from deadly infectious diseases like measles, polio, influenza, and hepatitis. But in some developing countries people are delaying or refusing to vaccinate because of fears, so that it leads to deadly diseases like whooping cough. With effective medication and vaccines the attempt made by the immune system to destroy the microbial agents or infected cells can be controlled.

Bacteriology and Mycology

Bacteriology is the division and field of biological science that studies the morphology, ecology, genetics and biochemistry of bacteria as well as numerous other features connected to them. Mycology is the division of biology deals with the study of fungi, comprising their genetic and biochemical properties, their taxonomy and their practice to humans as a basis for tinder, food, traditional medicine and entheogens, as well as their dangers, such as toxicity or infection.

Protozoology, Phycology and Parasitology

Phycology is the study of algae and all photoautotrophic microbes which may or may not be diligently related. Protozoology is the recently recognised division of Microbiology which includes study of protozoans such as amoeboids, ciliates, sporozoans and flagellates. Some general illnesses caused by protozoans are malaria, dysentery, amoebiasis etc. Parasitology like protozoology and phycology concerned with study of parasites such as helminthes and arthropods.


Virology is the study of virus, parasitic particles of genetic material limited in a protein coat and virus-like agents. It emphases on the following features of viruses: their structure, classification and evolution, their interface with host entity physiology and immunity, their customs to infect and exploit host cells for reproduction, the diseases they basis, the methods to isolate and culture them and their usage in research and therapy.


Neuroimmunology is a arena uniting neuroscience, that deals with the study of the nervous system and immunology and also the study of the immune system. Neuroimmunologists pursue to better understand the relations of these two multifaceted systems during growth, homeostasis, and response to injuries.

Innate and Adaptive Immunity

Innate immunity also known as native immunity which delivers the early line of defense against microorganisms. It comprises of cellular and biochemical defense functions that are in place even before contagion and are composed to answer quickly to infections. Adaptive immunity also known as acquired immunity in which the system identifies and responds to a numerous of microbial and nonmicrobial substances.


Articles published in Journal of Immunology and Microbiology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Immunology and Microbiology has got h-index 4 , which means every article in Journal of Immunology and Microbiology has got 4 average citations.

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Awards Nomination
Journal Highlights
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Microbial Infections
  • Microbial Immunology
  • Immunogenetics
  • Immunotoxicity
  • Cancer immunology and Immunotherapy
  • Vaccines and Immunization
  • Bacteriology and Mycology
  • Protozoology, Phycology and Parasitology
  • Virology
  • Neuroimmunology
  • Innate and Adaptive Immunity
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Citations : 39

Journal of Immunology and Microbiology received 39 citations as per Google Scholar report

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