International Journal of Economics and Banking

About International Journal of Economics and Banking

International Journal of Economics and Banking is an open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes expositions of novel and adept principles, applicable in economic studies and analysis of banking policies. Economic studies provide us the basic knowledge of the production, consumption and transfer of wealth. This information is considered as the base reference for the formulation of global and national economic strategies. Banking on the other hand ensures the economic stability of individuals or society as a whole by safeguarding money owned by other entities. The International Journal of Economics and Banking, brings together both economics and banking under one platform for the formulation of new monetary policies.

The scope of the journal encompasses studies related to micro-economics, economic resources development and management, banking research, global accounting, e-banking, world banking, globalization of economic policies and global market analysis. The journal provides a platform for the worldwide dissemination of research manuscripts on personal marketing, corporate marketing, foreign exchange, commodity trading, investment banking, insurance, financing and equity trading, economic efficiency, and production possibility frontier, gains from trade, supply and demand, managerial economics and financial economics.

The journal also publishes articles that highlight recent developments in banking technology viz. mobile banking, online banking, video banking as well as the societal impact of application of direct selling agents. Articles that address various aspects of banking associated macroeconomic risk, operational risk, credit risk and financial services authority are highly welcome.

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