Insight Medical publishing handpicks the article for publication after a thorough and careful scrutiny following single blind peer reviewing. The articles generally deploy quantitative method to explore a particular topic or theme with empirical evidence. Review articles written based on the secondary data unearth important dimensions of the topic that is otherwise hidden. There are commentaries, reflecting the individual viewpoints and case reports that pay an exclusive focus on a particular aspect of the scientific development. Our journals are always open to novice practices and we encourage the manuscripts that document the ongoing changes and the latest advancements in the field concerned.
Author(s): Armando Gabbrielli, Monica Pandolfi, Margareth Martino
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Truus Spijker
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Kip Jones
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Joy Notter
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Raymond Eckhardt, Sarah Mott, Sharon Andrew
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Sara Smith, Gurch Randhawa
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Ursula Karl-Trummer, Karl Krajic, Sonja Novak-Zezula, Jurgen M Pelikan
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Paula McGee, Matthew Hains
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Dave Sookhoo, Elizabeth N Anionwu
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Martha Chinouya
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Paula McGee, Mark RD Johnson
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Alvisa Palese, Maria Barba, Gianni Borghi, Maura Mesaglio, Silvio Brusaferro
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Vicky Sutton, Ian Robbins, Vicky Senior, Sedwick Gordon
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Nigel Mathers, Gina MA Higginbottom
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Sandra Mackey, Linda D Goddard
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Paula McGee, Mark RD Johnson
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Sue Dyson
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Kenneth Mullen, Rohan Chauhan, Rafik Gardee, Lorna Macpherson
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Nasir Warfa, Kamaldeep Bhui, Kwame Phillips, Krishna Nandy, Sandra Griffiths
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Martha Chinouya, Eileen O’Keefe
Diversity & Equality in Health and Care