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Author(s): Tetsuji Nagata
Translational BiomedicineAuthor(s): Surya Prakash Bhatt, Govind K Makharia
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Ursula Karl-Trummer, Karl Krajic, Sonja Novak-Zezula, Jurgen M Pelikan, Christa Strabmayr
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Raffaele Pezzilli, Riccardo Casadei, Nicola Zanini, Francesco Minni, Claudio Ricci, Nicola Marrano
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Ferga C Gleeson, Jose G de la Mora Levy, Lizzi Zhang, Michael J Levy
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Ian Robbins, Bob Broad
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Nagihan Inan, Arzu Arslan, Gur Akansel, Erdem Okay, Yesim Gurbuz
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Bob Cant, Ann Taket
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Dan G Blazer III, Pedro T Ramirez, Huamin Wang, Jason B Fleming
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Marcos Gelos, Dirk Behringer, Stathis Philippou, Benno Mann
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Milika R Matiti
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Eldo E Frezza, Mitchell S Wachtel
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Yoshiharu Motoo, Gensaku Okada, Hisatsugu Mouri, Toshifumi Gabata, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Koushiro Ohtsubo, Tomoya Tsuchiyama, Yasushi Yamaguchi, Norio Sawabu, Takashi Okai, Koji Amaya, Hirohisa Kitagawa, Tetsuo Ohta, Koichiro Matsuda, Hideki Ohta
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Mark RD Johnson
Diversity & Equality in Health and CareAuthor(s): Rungsun Rerknimitr, Patinut Buranasupkajorn, Wanee Plengpanich, Thiti Snabboon, Vorasuk Shotelersuk
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Joel Rovnak , Amy Stone , Randall J. Cohrs
Translational BiomedicineAuthor(s): Muhammad Hanif Shiwani, Jonathan Gosling
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Davut Tüney, Ersan Altun, Afsar Barlas, Cumhur Yegen
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Krishna V Menon, Dhanwant Gomez, Caroline S Verbeke, Glenn K Bonney, Sakwhat H Rahman, K Raj Prasad, Giles J Toogood, J Peter A Lodge
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Alaa Elkharwily, Klaus Gottlieb
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas