Insight Medical publishing handpicks the article for publication after a thorough and careful scrutiny following single blind peer reviewing. The articles generally deploy quantitative method to explore a particular topic or theme with empirical evidence. Review articles written based on the secondary data unearth important dimensions of the topic that is otherwise hidden. There are commentaries, reflecting the individual viewpoints and case reports that pay an exclusive focus on a particular aspect of the scientific development. Our journals are always open to novice practices and we encourage the manuscripts that document the ongoing changes and the latest advancements in the field concerned.
Author(s): Marco Del Chiaro, Irene Mosca, Franco Mosca, Ugo Boggi, Fabio Vistoli, Chiara Croce, Stefano Signori, Giulio Di Candio, Alessandro Campatelli, Luca Morelli, Simone D'Imporzano, Francesco Antonio Sgambelluri, Gabriella Amorese
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Lucia Calculli, Lorenzo Fantini, Raffaele Pezzilli, Marta Fiscaletti, Riccardo Casadei, Carla Brindisi, Giampaolo Gavelli
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Claudio Bassi, Roberto Salvia, Letizia Boninsegna, Giuliano Barugola, Massimo Falconi, Rossella Bettini, Andrea Casarotto, Paolo Pederzoli
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Muhammad Wasif Saif
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Anna E Prizment, Ching-Ping Hong, Kristin E Anderson, Aaron R Folsom
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Alessandro Repici, Claudio De Angelis, Patrizia Carucci, Mauro Bruno, Matteo Goss, Lavinia Mezzabotta , Rinaldo Pellicano, Giorgio Saracco, Mario Rizzetto
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Raffaele Pezzilli, Lorenzo Fantini, Antonio Maria Morselli-Labate
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Michele Reni, Stefano Cereda
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Ezio Gaia, Paola Salacone
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Atindriya Biswas, Roger M Feakins, Ehab A Husain, Ajit T Abraham
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Naohiro Sata, Akira Kurogochi, Kazuhiro Endo, Kunihiko Shimura, Masaru Koizumi, Hideo Nagai
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Raffaele Pezzilli, Lorenzo Fantini
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Muhammad Wasif Saif, Michael Cohenuram
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Pier Alberto Testoni
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Tiing Leong Ang, Kwong Ming Fock, Eng Kiong Teo, Victor Weng Leong Ng, Chee Keong Chong
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Suresh T Chari
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Mirko D’Onofrio, Niccolò Faccioli, Giuseppe Zamboni, Roberto Malagò, Roberto Pozzi Mucelli, Enrico Martone, Christian Cugini, Tiziana Gubello
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Krishna V Menon, James Ahsley Guthrie, Fung J Foo, Upkar Gill, Caroline S Verbeke
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Jeyanthi Ramanarayanan, Sarah L Scarpace
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Atul Sachdev, Sanjay D'Cruz, Uma Handa, Sandeep Chauhan, Renu Thakur, Vinay Kapoor
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas