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Author(s): Moses Elisaf, Evangelos Rizos, Evangelos Liberopoulos, Paraskevi Kosta, Stavros Efremidis
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Kolitha Sanjaya Goonetilleke, Ajith Kumar Siriwardena
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Tetsuo Hayakawa, Chun X. Jin, Yoshiki Hirooka
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Pankaj Gandhi, Paul Grant
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Massimo Falconi, Paolo Pederzoli, Rossella Bettini, Giovanni Butturini, Letizia Boninsegna, Stefano Crippa
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Judith Bauer, Marina M Reeves, Sandra Capra
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Phillip Kaye, George K Anagnostopoulos, Guruprasad P Aithal, Krish Ragunath, Brian J Rowlands
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Héctor R Hernández Garcés, Sacha Lazo del Vallin, Issoufou Moutary
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Donatella Santini, Francesca Poli, Stefania Lega
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Christos Dervenis, Åke Andrén-Sandberg
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Massimo Raimondo, Michael B Wallace
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Paraskevas S Brestas, Dimitrios Karakyklas, John Gardelis, Marinos Tsouroulas, Charalampos Drossos
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Angelo Vanzulli
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Nicola Zanini, Riccardo Casadei, Francesco Minni, Lucia Calculli, Vincenzo Maria Greco, Francesco Bassi
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Andrew IR Scott, Belinda E Clarke, Helen Healy, Michael D’Emden, Scott C Bell
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Massimo Falconi, Claudio Bassi, Paolo Pederzoli, Giovanni Boz, Antonino De Paoli, Roberto Innocente, Mauro G Trovo, Gian Carlo Tosolini, Carlo Rossi
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Evagelos Rizos, George Alexandrides, Moses S Elisaf
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Ajit Sewkani, Saleem Naik, Subodh Varshney, Sorabh Kapoor, Sandesh Sharma, Abhishek Sharma, Kailash Patel
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Ajith K Siriwardena
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Benedict J Page, Don F du Toit, Christo JF Muller, Johannes Mattysen, Romeo Lyners
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas