Jose OterosPost Doctoral fellow, Zentrum Allergie und Umwelt / TUM - Technical University of Munich
Biedersteiner Munich, Germany
Dr. Jose Oteros. Lcd. Degree in Biology (2010); MsC in Climate Change (2011);PhD in Natural resources and Aerobiology (2014) by the University of Córdoba. Master Statistics by the University of Madrid (RJC) (2016). He was working as predoc researcher at the University of Córdoba (Spain) until 2014, at that time he made stays and collaborated with many international Research Institutions like University of Perugia (Italy), Edmund Mach Foundation (Italy) or Institut de l'olivier (Tunisia). His work was focused on Aerobiology, Phenology, Climate Change, Forecasting and data mining applied to agronomy and human epidemiological data. Between the main results are the models for predicting olive crop production one year ahead, used in the whole world, species distribution models, pollen forecasting system at country level.
Currently, from 2014, he is Postdoc at Technical University of Munich (Germany). They are developing a pioneer automatic pollen monitoring network in Europe. His work is focused on monitoring of different particles. And performing data analysis of environmental and epidemiological data by using programing and data mining methods. The last results reported, among others, what is the main source for environmental endotoxins, what is the main vector for airborne bacteria, pollen microbiome, critical factors for developing allergy with animal models, the building of the first automatic pollen monitoring network.
He is leading dozens publications of high impact and conferences presentations around the world. His early career has received some international recognitions like the Spanish Aerobiology Society Award or from the University of Córdoba.