Current Applied Biomedical Sciences

About Current Applied Biomedical Sciences

Current Applied Biomedical Sciences is an international open access peer reviewed journal that encourages the latest research advancements in the field of biomedical sciences.

Current Applied Biomedical Sciences is a multidisciplinary, international and fast double-blind peer-reviewed journal focussed to share the recent trending research advancement in the field of Biomedical Sciences on an Open Access platform. It solicits the publication of high quality novel researcher advancement aiding knowledge to the Biomedical Science field.

The aim of the Journal is to provide a platform for the researchers and academicians throughout the world for faster publication (at affordable publication charges), share and discuss rare and new findings in the areas of Biomedical Science. Current Applied Biomedical Sciences focuses on valuable collection articles in the form of novel research works, review articles, opinion article, case reports and medical images in all disciplines of including Medicine (Anatomy, Anaesthesia, Cardiology, Community Medicine, Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Neonatology, Oncology, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Physiology, Plastic Surgery, Psychiatry, Radiology, Surgery, ENT, Nutrition, Anatomy, Forensic , Genetics, Obstetrics And Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Pediatric Surgery, Nephrology, Urology, Neurology etc.) and Dentistry, Nursing and Health Professions, Biological sciences, Biotechnology, Molecular biology, Cell biology, Genetic engineering, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Immunology, Microbiology, Virology, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Science, Agricultural, Environmental science, Biophysics, Biomedical sciences, Computational biology, Biological anthropology and Biological education etc.

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Biomedical Technology

Biomedical Technology is regarded as the conglomeration of both technology and engineering application for the aided benefits of biological system, which warrants additional support to lead a normal life style. Biomedical Technology receives the support and assistance from several sub specialization namely, Biomedical research, Biomedical engineering, Bioinformatics and so on. The application of biomedical technology consist of activities from designing biosensors or microarray for diagnosis and treatment to conducting research. The core focus of biomedical technology is aimed at solving the medical problems, which are related to humans. Further it can be divided into subtypes like biomedical informatics and biomedical engineering.

Related Journals of Biomedical Technology

Journal of Biomedical Sciences, Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Translational Biomedicine Journal, BioMed Research International, Journal of Biomedical Technology

Biomedical Informatics

Information has become a crucial and inseparable part of modern science and technological progress. Application of computational information in biomedical sector of studies is actually a revolution that has offered countless aids to sufferers. Biomedical informatics is the branch of biomedical sciences which involves computers and information technology for medical data tracking, gathering and measuring. Biomedical informatics now days plays important role in effective use of biomedical data and knowledge for scientific analysis resulting into betterment of human health.

Related Journals of Biomedical Informatics

British Biomedical Bulletin, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation


Biomaterial is the improvisation of applicable materials with suitable combinations of one or more ingredients, which are designed to interact with biological system for medical purposes like therapeutic and diagnostic one. Now-a- day’s biomedical researchers are focusing more on robust application possibilities of biomaterials, owing to their diversified contributions. Moreover, progressive research has showed that, the use of such materials are safe and effective to have a desired results without harming human body due to biocompatibility. Biomaterial science involves knowledge of medicine, pharmacology, tissue engineering and material science.

Related Journals of Biomaterials

Journal of Biomedical Sciences, International Journal of Biomaterials, Progress in Biomaterials, Journal of Biomaterials Applications, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

Biomedical Therapies

Biomedical therapies have added a new feather in the therapeutic intervention of several disease pathologies and obviously have become a new focus of global research. They are basically physiological approaches, which focusess on reducing symptoms of psychological disorders. Biomedical therapies can be of different types like Drug therapy, Electroconvulsive treatment and Psychosurgery. Due to lack of intense research it is not been supported as evidence based method for treatment. Hence there is an urgent need of research and study for developing a biomedical therapy.

Related Journals of Biomedical therapies

Journal of Biomedical Therapy, Biomedical Research and Therapy, Journal of Biomedical and Therapeutic Sciences, Journal of Biomedical Therapy


Immunology is the discipline of biomedical sciences which deals with the immune system of our body. Developing mechanisms and methods for treating immune system of humans with the help of biomedical interventions opens new scope for the researchers. Several approaches of study and research are going on to develop micro-needle patches and painless vaccines for drug delivery.

Related Journals of Immunology

Journal of Transmitted Diseases and Immunity, Reproductive Immunology: Open Access, The Journal of Immunology, Clinical Immunology, Journal of Immunology Research

Cancer Biology

A normal cell usually dies after serving its purpose, but a cancerous cell is somehow able to escape the system and becomes immortal. All this happens because of series of genetic changes resulting into uncontrolled growth. A multicellular organism can thrive only when it’s all cells are functioning properly and are regulated by checkpoints. Researchers are now focussing on how to bring back cancerous cells under checkpoint controls and lot of efforts have been put in finding anticancer molecules.

Related Journals of Cancer Biology

Cancer Biology and Therapeutic Oncology, Archives in Cancer Research, Cancer Biology & Therapy, Cancer Biology & Medicine, American Journal of Cancer Biology

Personalized Medicine

Each and every individual is different, that’s why it’s not necessary that one medicine will show same effect in another individual. Here comes the personalized medicine in the picture, in personalized medicine patients are separated into different groups for personalized treatment based on the predicted risk of disease. Latest example of personalized medicine is “CART-L Therapy”.

Related Journals of Personalized Medicine

Journal of Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics, Journal of Personalized Medicine, Personalized Medicine Universe, Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine

Biomedical Diagnostics

Biomedical Diagnostics deals with the study of procedures that provides information for screening, diagnosis and detection of diseases. With biomedical diagnostics more personalized treatment can be provided and combining with biomedical therapy it can provide better treatment to the patients. With the advancement of biomedical sciences researchers are now able to develop diagnostic devices which are cheap as compared to conventional diagnostic kits and are safe to use also.

Related Journals of Biomedical Diagnostics

Journal of Diagnostic Techniques and Biomedical Analysis, Biomedical Research, Journal of Biophotonics, Dual Diagnosis: Open Access

Cell and Tissue Engineering

Cell and Tissue Engineering consists of multiple disciplines like cell line engineering, biomedical engineering and biomaterial sciences. In tissue engineering scaffolds are formed for generating new viable tissue which can take place of the damaged tissues. Cell and tissue engineering holds a lot of potential because of the ability to generate living tissues ex vivo for replacement of damages tissue or for therapeutic applications. This area of research can revolutionize the treatment methods of a wide variety of disorders and injuries.

Related Journals of Cell and Tissue Engineering

Journal of Stem Cell Biology and Transplantation, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Journal of Tissue Engineering, Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering


Neurology is the study of brain and nervous system from clinical perspective, which also having overlapping similarities with neurobiology the study of nervous system from anatomical and physiological aspects. It’s a mixture of various disciplines consisting of anatomy, molecular biology, physiology and biochemistry, but now researchers have started exploring another dimension as scope of neurosciences has widened over time with the advancement of computational studies now scientists can precisely intercept the changes in neurons caused in neurological conditions. Molecular and cellular studies of neurons have helped in better understanding of brain functioning.

Related Journals of Neurology

Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience, Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Journal of Neurology

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