Aim and Scope

 Clinical Immunology and Infectious Diseases a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed open access journal that encourages accurate research and makes a significant contribution to advancing knowledge for immunological application in the treatment of various infectious diseases. The journal aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the form of research, review, case reports and short communication articles. All articles are peer reviewed and published under the guidance of our Editorial Board members.

The journal publishes the recent development in the field of:

•           Immune deficiencies in children

•           Epidemiology, Herpes viruses

•           Immune suppression caused by HIV

•           Lyme disease, Tuberculosis, Accinology

•           Molecular biology, Virology, Bacteriology

•           Parasitology, Mycology

•           Clinical medicine

•           Biochemical Tests

•           Cancer Immunology

•           Classical Immunology

•           Clinical Immunology

•           Computational Immunology

•           Diagnostic Immunology

•           Epidemiology

•           Evolutionary Immunology

•           Immune System

•           Immune System Disorders

•           Immune System Health Maintenance

•           Immunity

•           Immunotherapy

•           Microbial Culture

•           Systems Immunology

•           Testicular Immunology

•           Viral Immunology