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Miriam J Stewart

Miriam J Stewart

Professor, Faculty of Nursing and School of Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada


Dr. Miriam Stewart is Professor in the Faculty of Nursing and School of Public Health. She is a Health Senior Scholar, Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research and a former Medical Research Council of Canada and National Health Research Development Program (MRC/NHRDP) Scholar. Dr. Stewart was Director and Chair of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies University of Alberta (1997- April 2001); Director of the Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre (1992-1997); and, co-principal investigator and co-creator of the Maritime Centre of Excellence on Women's Health (1996-2000). The two health promotion research centres facilitated over 100 studies during her directorship.

Following an international review, Dr. Stewart was appointed as the inaugural Scientific Director of the national research institute devoted to the study of gender at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. In this capacity, she launched numerous strategic research initiatives, built research capacity, fostered innovative knowledge translation strategies, and attracted over 89 million dollars in partnerships internal and external to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research as lead or partner Institute

Research Interest

Canada, immigrants, newcomers, refugees, social support, well-being.