Elizabeth Swanson

Elizabeth Swanson Elizabeth Swanson

Assistant Professor,

University of Texas,



Dr. Elizabeth Swanson is a senior research associate at the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk and Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education at The University of Texas at Austin. Swanson is currently the principal investigator of an IES-funded research project investigating the effects of a vocabulary and reading comprehension intervention delivered in 4th grade social studies. Dr. Swanson is also co-principal investigator of the Reading for Understanding research project, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). As the coordinator of several large-scale studies funded by The Interagency Education Research Initiative, IES, the Texas Education Agency, and The Meadows Foundation, she has implemented and tested the efficacy of reading interventions for students in grades 1–12. She has published articles and book chapters on effective instruction for students with reading difficulties and learning disabilities. Swanson’s current research includes investigating school systems that support response to intervention implementation and effective instructional methods for adolescent struggling readers, including students with learning disabilities.

Research Interest

Reading Difficulties and Learning Disabilities