Young Research Forum-Young Scientist Awards: Global Infections 2020, Singapore| September 28-29, 2020


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Global Infections 2020 invites research scholars & young scientists, to submit the nominations for Young Scientist Awards: Global Infections 2020. This Global Infections 2020 Young Scientist Awards will be announced at the upcoming “13th Global Infections Conference” at Singapore this September, 2020.

This Young Scientist Award is an initiative of Conference Series to provide recognition to the Young Researchers who have shown great potential in their respective fields of research. We at Conference Series always encourage the young budding minds to start their career in the field of research and innovations. The core of our Young Research Forum–Young Scientist Awards is to motivate the scholars to present their research ideas in front of the global experts and enhance their knowledge at our international platform. We at Global Infections 2020 provide the best networking experience to the participant for their overall professional growth and to promote the collaborative research.

About Conference Series

Conference Series is an open resource platform thatconducts 3000+ global events including InternationalConferences, Workshops, Symposia, Trade Shows,Exhibitions and Science Congresses in all the majorscientific disciplines, including Clinical, Medical,Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Technology, BusinessManagement, and Life Sciences across America, Europe,The Middle East, and Asia Pacific. It is reaching over 25million researchers, scholars, students, professionals andcorporate entities all over the globe. We encourage ourauthors and conference participants through research andtravel grants, young research awards and assist in careerdevelopment and research guidance through 1000+collaborations with NGOs, scientific and academicagencies, institutions that have signed MoU with us.

Eligibility criteria for Young Scientist Awards: GlobalInfections 2020

The Women Oncology 2020: Young Scientist Awards: is for all young Researchers, Research Scholars (Preferably PhD, Post Doc, and Post Graduates & Graduates) who have involved themselves in the R&D sector. The candidates should have a minimum of 3+ years of research experience and published a minimum of 3 research articles in international journals. Part-time researchers can be considered subject to recommend by the research guide or any director level designated person from the organization.

Applications are invited on a first come first basis. Only25 nominations are accepted globally.

Basis for Judging

Nominated candidates need to present their research or talk for 25-30 minutes. The subject should be under the scope of the Global Infections 2020 conference. Selection will be based on individual accomplishments, quality & standards of research, noble thought, research methodology, innovative ideas, style of presentation, significance of the contribution to the field, originality, clarity, and future extended scope of the research and probability of bringing the research in terms of products/services into public domain.


We invite online applications from desired candidates, self-nomination or nominated by organizations (both private & public sectors)/research guides. The first author must be the student & the student’s advisor should attach a statement that their contribution is primarily advisory.

Candidates applying for the Global Infections 2020: Young Researcher Award should send their resume, along with a letter of recommendation (from a research adviser/faculty/organization heads) to along with the online application at the Global Infections 2020 page.


This award will be presented at Tokyo during Global Infections 2020 conference.


• We will recognize the awardee(s) with aMemento, & Certificate of Appreciation followedby a special incentive for the next chapter of theconference.

• The prize-winning papers will be considered forpublication in the supporting journals subjectedto standard review procedures.

• Opportunity will be given to be the Studentambassador for the subsequent futureconferences.

For any further queries/concern, can be reached theGlobal Infections 2020 secretariat at the below contact details:

Jessica P
Program Manager | Global Infections 2020
What’s App No.: +32-466-903-064
Phone No.: +44-203-7690-972
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