Use of Digital Media to Teach Nutrition to Women in Low Socioeconomic Status Group

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Poor nutrition knowledge is a prime factor affecting nutritional status amongst low socioeconomic groups. A principal aim of nutrition education must be to provide people in the low SES groups with adequate information to consume appropriate diets. We conducted a study with the purpose of educating women in the lower SES about nutrition using digital media. The aim was to highlight the need for nutrition education in society and to suggest use of digital media for it. Twenty-four, 20-60 year old, domestic helpers belonging to the lower socioeconomic strata women were randomly selected for the study. A pre-test was done to assess nutrition knowledge of subjects. Five different modules of lessons for basic nutrition were prepared. These modules were shown as power point presentations using a laptop or a tablet. After two weeks a post-test questionnaire was used to observe the impact of these nutrition education sessions. Pre-test showed that more than half of them did not know about essential nutrients. Most did not know about a balanced diet or its importance. In the post test, subjects responded about making better food choices. We conclude that nutrition education will positively impact eating behaviour amongst women and will benefit their families. Now a day’s using digital methods make an impact. Also almost all are using smart phones. Thus, this medium can be used for instruction and appropriate changes can be achieved.

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