The Role of Health Belief Model

Ashok Kumar Mohan*

Department of Community Medicine, Sree Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation, Kerala, India

*Corresponding Author:
Ashok Kumar Mohan
Department of Community Medicine, Sree Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation, Kerala, India

Received date: September 07, 2022, Manuscript No. IPJNHS-22-14941; Editor assigned date: September 09, 2022, PreQC No. IPJNHS-22-14941 (PQ); Reviewed date: September 23, 2022, QC No. IPJNHS-22-14941; Revised date: September 28, 2022, Manuscript No. IPJNHS-22-14941 (R); Published date: October 07, 2022, DOI: 10.36648/2574-2825.7.10.048
Citation: Mohan AK (2022) The Role of Health Belief Model. J Nurs Health Stud Vol.7 No.10:048.

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The extreme aggressiveness of Covid19 demonstrated remarkable progress in its ability to cause great losses through the steady increase in morbidities and mortalities, on the one hand and the sustainability of the pandemic intensity that indicates a failure to reach the end status. On the contrary, new facts were seen that the pandemic trend seemed to be looking for new foci in the world. More vulnerable and fragile areas, which indicating new lethal and hostile escalation in the numbers of morbidities and mortalities, as reflected in the South American continent, Africa, and the Indian subcontinent recent trends.

Health Belief Model

The risk of the pandemic spreading to more fragile foci, with obvious resources depletion weak health systems responses, shall no doubt, place some of the riskiest groups such as the elderly, the chronic disease patients and the homeless refugee's cohorts on the edges of death by the disease spread. Over there solely, we will witness more and more mortalities, and it should be noted that the pandemic is currently witnessing a new epidemiological transition represented in its penetration into countries and invasion of new continents that can be described relatively as fragile states. Accordingly, the confronting protocols and technical as well as logistic measures should be put in place to offer maximum protection for similar groups and ensuring significant mortality and morbidity level reduction.

Diabetes is a major public health menace across the globe and it is associated with physical, emotional and socioeconomic consequences. Existing literature supports the use of diabetes education as a tool to minimize the impact of the medical condition. However, the current figure revealed that beliefs and perceptions of patients may constitute a barrier to attendance. This paper provides insight into the impact of patient’s perceptions and beliefs on attendance at diabetes education centers.

Elderly groups are fragile groups, they are vulnerable to be an easy victim to such COVID 19 aggressive illness, available studies evidenced among (60 +) years old groups particularly with coexisting medical co morbidities, like Diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases as well as malignant conditions are significantly prone to deaths when infected with Covid19 as research evidence revealed recently, comparing to any other age groups. Physiological and biochemical changes that may lead to relative immune compromisation status and took place at older age explain are the reasons why the elderly population are targeted extensively by behind some of the reasons older people are greatly impacted by COVID-19.

Limitations of Health Belief Model

Limitations of the study includes the use of non-experimental approach which does not allow definite conclusions regarding the causal relationships between the identified variables and attendance. In addition, the use of purposive sampling technique and small sample size may restrict the generalizability of the findings. Regardless of these limitations, we captured the views of patients from four sites with different socio- demographical characteristics. Also, this study has established the influence of individual perceptions and beliefs on healthy behavior.

Adding to likewise explanation, the existence of multiple co morbidities. In spite that age is not the only risk factor and some of severing Covid19 infection can take place among younger age groups, yet it is quite significant, that needs to be addressed in confronting this particular pandemic. A healthier group of course can recover when they Got Covid19 infection even if they are old age groups, as the examples seen among even more than 100 years old. Ensuring and providing what elderly need is a quite essential intervention to protect such group, e.g. Medicine, food, and other basic needs along with social and mental support, most of the death witnessed among elderly in western countries were among those whom somehow ignored neglected and left lonely groups. The dignity of the elderly should have been preserved adulate and never to be violated weather intently or non-intentionally and not to leave someone behind.

After the initial infection, sporozoites travel to the liver and undergo several changes, resulting in tissue schizonts that later transform into merozoite forms that invade red blood cells. In p.vivax infection, some sporozoites may remain dormant in the liver as hypnozoites forms. At some point, hypnozoites may activate and undergo the regular schizogony process, giving rise to merozoites that are ready to invade the red blood cells. This is then called relapsing malaria, which contributes to transmission perpetuation, and is one of the major causes of high incidence of vivax malaria in some parts of the world. It is possible that uninfected Anopheles mosquitos activate hipnozoites when biting humans. Another hypothesis for hypnozoite activation is that cytokines in response to other pathogenic processes (especially those involved in arousal of fever) may lead to relapsing malaria.

The findings revealed that beliefs held by the participants have an impact on attendance behavior and negative beliefs constitute a hindrance to effective self-management behavior. Consequently, the study has highlighted the importance of influencing patients’ perceptions and beliefs that are congruent with positive health behavior. This is important because it has a potential to enhance their quality of life and reduce the financial burden of managing diabetes. Finally, we acknowledged that behavior change is complex, hence, policy and guidelines alone is not enough to produce the desired effect. Compliance with a heath advice is often challenging as demonstrated by anecdotal evidence pertaining to the initial period of lifestyle changes necessitated by the ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic. There are many reasons responsible for failure to comply with healthcare instructions, however, it constitutes a waste of scarce resources within the National Health Service (NHS) and this requires appropriate interventions.

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