The Multidirectional Pathway taken up by Stem Cells to develop into Organs and Tissues

They are considered to be “Blank” cells as they have the ability to developing any kind of cells that are able to serve the function of the different parts of the body. However, the majority of the cells of an individual are differentiated and thus are destined to work and grow accordingly. For example, Red blood cells are responsible only for carrying the oxygen via the blood. The beginning of the life of an individual starts with the single-cell which is known as the zygote. This singled cell zygote divides into two daughter cells, then four, and then the cycle continues. This process is known as differentiation. Cells are known to be a unit of life that undergoes many chemical and physiological processes to be able to perform a particular task. They are different types of cells that perform their task according to the gene encoded or the proteins formed. One of the well-known cells is the stem cells which are to be known as the “Blank” cells as they are the only cells that are undifferentiated and are present in the embryo phase of an individual as well as in the bone marrow.

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