Successful Deceased Donor Renal Transplant in a Complicated Vascular Patient: A Case Report

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This case presents a successful deceased donor renal transplant in a patient with multiple factors contributing to its complexity, including complicated vasculature with occluded distal superior vena cava and abdominal varices requiring an intraperitoneal approach rather then retroperitoneal approach. Secondly, the donor kidney had two renal arteries requiring a side-to-side anastomosis reconstruction, while the patient was positive for anticardiolipin antibodies increasing her risk of artery thrombosis. Lastly, the patient had chronic thrombocytopenia preventing standard protocol anti-thymocyte globulin induction balancing the increased risk of bleeding with anticoagulation in the setting of thymoglobulin-induced thrombocytopenia. With this successful transplantation the patient was able to come off of hemodialysis after seven years, which will significantly impact the patient’s life in a positive way.

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