The Paleocene-Eocene sedimentary rocks with unconformable contact with underlying Late Cambrian Abbottabad Formation and disconformable contact with overlying Miocene Murree Formation are exposed within a regional geological structure recognized as the Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis (HKS) in North Western; sub Himalayas, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. The area is highly deformed by the folds and faults owing to tectonic activities. The Chalpani anticline, Patikka syncline, Patikka anticline, Panjgran syncline, Panjgran anticline, Devlian anticline, Balgran syncline and Nauseri anticline are the intraformational folds within Murree Formation.
The Yadgar-Back Thrust, Ghori-Back Thrust, Chalpani fault, Devlian fault and Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) are the emergent faults of the area. The Yadgar-Back Thrust is reverse in nature and marked in Margala Hill Limestone. The Ghori-Back Thrust is a northeast-southwest trending fault within Murree Formation. This fault is a back Thrust which is reverse in nature. The Chalpani fault is a northwest-southeast trending fault within Murree Formation. The Devlian fault within Murree Formation is marked on the basis of shearing, crushing, breccia, tilted or uplifted terrace and offset of river. The Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) is a northwest-southeast trending regional structure between Miocene Murree Formation and Panjal Formation in which Panjal Formation is thrusted over the Murree Formation. The MBT and Panjal thrust are folded around the syntaxis.