Socioeconomic inequalities in childhood under-nutrition in Nigeria

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Under-nutrition is the underlying cause of child morbidity and mortality in Nigeria, accounting for more than 50% of deaths among under-five year old children. This study examined socioeconomic-related inequalities
in child under-nutrition in Nigeria using the decomposition approach. The study analyzed data from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) 2003 to 2013. Trends in child under-nutrition were
examined against socioeconomic factors. The outcome variables were stunting (HAZ<2 SD), wasting(WHZ<2 SD) and underweight (WAZ<2 SD) among children 0-59 months. The magnitude of child under-nutrition was
estimated via a concentration index, and the inequality was decomposed to ascertain the contribution of socioeconomic factors to child under-nutrition over time.

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