Role of PGx Test in Personalized Medicine Without Adverse Drug Reaction.

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A legal drug prescribed by a doctor and taken as directed kills one patient every 4 minutes or 350 per day in the United States alone. Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) put millions of people in hospitals. ADR is 4th leading cause of death1 (5th if you include deaths due to COVID-19).It is because doctors continue to prescribe medications by Trial & Error. One drug does not fit all2. Patient Population for Which a Drug Is Ineffective 2 Anti-Depressants (SSRIs) 38%,Diabetes Drugs 43%,Arthritis Drugs 50%,Cancer Drugs 75%. We are all different, including siblings due to inherited genetic variations (mutations). Hepatic gene variation controls how we respond to a drug. With a simple test called a pharmacogenetics (PGx), a doctor can observe this genetic activity of the individual patient and determine the suitability of a drug before it is prescribed. And the drug can be personalized, avoiding traditional way by trial and error.

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