Research Based on COVID 19


A lot of people around the world have different views and beliefs on the source of the virus. Even up to now the source of the virus is still under debate, thus resulting in less confidence enough for scientists to come up with a better solution to save humanity, as Scientists have been trying to understand the origin of COVID-19 and the virus that course it SARS-cov-2...(Why?).Original scientists believed that the virus may have developed in bats and later pangolins.... (Why bats and why later pangolins if it has been bats?). Well then genomic comparisons suggest that the SARS cov 2 virus is a result of a recombination between two different viruses, meaning the exact origin of the virus is still unclear. (Unclear? Meaning to be clear enough, bats and pangolins, or group family of such kind of animals may help come up with the clear and that's possible). Let's look at MERS a bit Health officials first reported the disease in Saudi Arabia in September 2012(places to look at Saudi Arabia). Through retrospective (backward-looking) investigations, they later identified that the first known cases of MERS occurred in Jordan in April 2012(first case of MERS in Jordan). All cases of MERS have been linked through travel to, or residence in, countries in and near the Arabian Peninsula. The largest known outbreak of MERS outside the Arabian Peninsula occurred in the Republic of Korea in 2015(MERs could also help us come up with the clear view if we trace back to the places it occurs, if it occured in Saudi Arabia,then let's look at the places like Ethiopia,Somalia, Egypt and Suda as well as some places in Africa which does trade in pangolins and other animals including poachers the type of animals they were interested in hanting as well type of meat hunt they eat during the process of poaching. If we are to look at Korea both both and south on the other hand ,what type of food bat or pangolins or snake related,shipping animals as well the travel through water infected fish and so on,so let's look dip in to areas like Korea, Zibo,Dalian,Qingdao,Yangzho,Nanzhing as well how good the relationship of food supplies and movement of people from other location it was to Wuhan?). The outbreak was associated with a traveler returning from the Arabian Peninsula.People with MERS can spread it to others...... The other way I personally view and under my search goes like. Under normal circumstances the courses of the virus is usually authenticated of such venom threats apart from the figurative sauces to which the identification is malicious pertaining to other deadly viral diseases that has been figured out as global pandemic in about years back. Currently I may say covid 19 is an acute airborne diseases that affects the body with an immediate air crafted response (physical connection distance). Although I may not refer to any source or book because of its causes due to the current diligence

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