Recent Findings in Computer Programming and Frameworks

Rushit Dave*

Department of Computer Science, University Of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, USA

*Corresponding Author:
Rushit Dave
Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
University Of Wisconsin
Eau Claire, USA
E-mail: rrdave

Received Date: March 18, 2020; Accepted Date: April 1, 2020; Published Date: April 08, 2020

Citation: Dave R (2020) Recent findings in Computer Programming and Frameworks. Am J Compt Sci Inform Technol Vol.8 No.1: 47. DOI: 10.36648/2349-3917.8.1.47

Copyright: © 2020 Dave R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Computer Science is the mix of PCs and computational frameworks. Not at all like electrical and Computer engineers, Computer Science researchers manage programming and programming frameworks; this incorporates their hypothesis, plan, advancement, and application. Information Technology alludes to the advancement, maintenance, and utilization of software, frameworks, and systems. It incorporates their utilization for the handling and distribution of information. American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology publish excellent research findings and innovative outcomes contributed by the experts in this field. The issues of 2019 comprises of the articles on Big Data & Data Science, Robotics, Automation & Data Analytics, 3D Printing, Security Attacks and Solution in Wireless Sensor Networks, Energy Optimization and Restoration of Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Networks, Vector-based Video Compression through Motion Tracking, Medical systems, Data Mining, Comparative Analysis of Encryption Techniques for sharing Data in Iot Devices. Bilal et al. [1] proposed a suitable architectures and access control techniques for the Distributed IoT healthcare environment clearly with its functionalities. To face the challenge of IoT device resource constraint different cryptographic algorithms are implemented according to the computing power of IoT wearable devices. Research has proved that Eliptive Curve Cryptography (ECC) is better technique to work with low power devices as it uses small key size. Authors aimed to expose the experience during data collection at two public universities in Bayelsa state, Nigeria. The research describes the data collection process and highlights the challenges faced. The research concludes by encouraging researchers to share their data collection experiences to help future researchers to be adequately prepared and encourage data mining researchers to support the goals of the educational data mining community by studying students from every learning environment [2]. Nti et al. [3] developed a web-based skin disease detection system (Medilab- Plus), which allows an online user to detect skin diseases in human and to make available, advises or possible medical actions in a precise short period. Authors proposed a method of converting pixel-based frames into a graphical vector format and applying motion tracking methods to compress the rendered video past current compression techniques [4]. The algorithm uses the canny operator to break down pixel-based frames into points and then obtains Bezier curves through taking the matrix pseudo inverse. By tracking the motion of these curves through multiple frames, they grouped curves with similar motion into “ objects ” and store their motion and components, thus compressing their rendered videos: adding scalability without losing quality. Through this approach, they were able to achieve an average compression rate of 88% over industry-standard compression algorithms for ten sample H.264-encoded animation videos. In 2020 American Journal Of Computer Science & Information Technology will also include Machine learning, Deep Learning, IOT, Data mining, Big Data, Data science applications, Bio-metrics, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Mobile computing, Software engineering and Cyber Physical Systems.


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