Radiological Considerations for Endoscopic Middle Ear Surgery.

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The transmeatal endoscopic approach has been found to be a feasible and safe minimally invasive technique for the exposure and excision of Cholesteatoma confined to the middle ear cavity and its extensions. Improved eradication of the cholestaetoma by endoscopic removal of hidden pathology from facial recess, sinus tympani, anterior epitympanic space, and Eustachian tube is one of the better established advantages of endoscopic ear surgery (EES). Since the choice of surgical technique depends on the extent of the disease, pre-operative otoscopic and radiological findings can be decisive in planning the optimal surgical approach. The aim of this presentation is to review all the radiological considerations that might be useful for the endoscopic ear surgeon in surgical planning; including CT Scan and Diffusion-weighted MRI on cholesteatoma

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