Quantitative Measurement on Their Interactive Effects from the Perspective of Macro-Scale and Spatial Statistical Analysis

Hualon Zhang*

Department of Genetics, Yale University, School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

*Corresponding Author:
Hualon Zhang
Department of Genetics,
Yale University, School of Medicine, New Haven, CT,

Received date: September 05, 2022, Manuscript No. IPGJRR-22-15225; Editor assigned date: September 07, 2022, PreQC No. IPGJRR-22-15225 (PQ); Reviewed date: September 15, 2022, QC No. IPGJRR-22-15225; Revised date: September 28, 2022, Manuscript No. IPGJRR-22-15225 (R); Published date: October 06, 2022, DOI: 10.36648/2393-8854.9.10.20

Citation: Zhang H (2022) Quantitative Measurement on Their Interactive Effects from the Perspective of Macro-Scale and Spatial Statistical Analysis. Glob J Res Rev.9.10.20

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The study of land systems provides a theoretical lens through which we can improve our comprehension of how social and environmental systems interact with one another. Providing a platform for integrating knowledge from multiple fields and translating explorative research into solution-oriented research, synthesis and integration of land system science and land use transitions are crucial to the advancement of the Global Land Project. The adoption of rural vitalization and urban-rural integrated development strategies has an effect on land use transitions in rural China in the context of growing urbanization. As a result, the primary objectives of this paper are two. The first is to incorporate a "conflict-coordination" theoretical model of regional land use transitions, perspectives of structural change and functional change of land system, and coupling pattern and process to adjust and control land use transitions into the Chinese rural development strategy to provide a theoretical framework for explaining land use transitions in the context of rapid urbanization. The subsequent objective is to send the hypothetical technique trying to progress rustic improvement procedure by means of changing and controlling area use advances. This paper calls for integrated theoretical approaches to comprehend land use transitions and associated regional development strategies by reinvigorating land system science through the use of human geography. From the perspective of macro-scale and spatial statistical analysis, there is a dearth of quantitative measurement of the interactions between human activities and the natural geographical environment that contribute to the occurrence of sudden geologic hazards. The spatial-temporal distribution of the Discrete Degree of Sudden Geologic Hazard (DDSGH) was characterized using the grid unit. The methods of spatial statistical analysis were used to examine the effects of human activities and the natural geographical environment on the occurrence of sudden geologic hazard. The analysis of MGWR reveals that the impact of human activities on sudden geologic hazard is greater than that of the natural geographical environment, and the influence of human activities on sudden geologic hazard is clearly affected by the spatial location. However, the results show that the spatial-temporal distribution of sudden geologic hazard has clearly local agglomeration, which is affected by both human activities and the natural geographical environment simultaneously.

The Natural Geographical Environment

Examine the conceptualization and applications of time in geographical studies of migration, with a focus on refugees, in this article. However, a lot of this research views time in the refugee experience as either a non-linear, subjective, and embodied experience with no discernible pattern-from uprooting in one location to "full integration" in another-or as a linear, teleological sequence. Migration experiences can be explained by both linear and non-linear approaches to time, but neither can be exclusive to the other. In this review, I talk about how crucial it is to use dynamic conceptual framing that combines the experiences of refugees with the time–space context in which they are enacted and expressed. The following three fundamental notions of time have been at the center of human geographical discourse ever since the 1970s: rhythms, time-geography, and time space. Studies on the provision of public services have given a lot of attention to the equity of access to urban parks. However, the diversity and complexity of park usages brought about by people's growing demand for recreational activities have cast doubt on conventional measures of park accessibility. This study uses a dataset consisting of 12.03 million mobile phone users who accessed one of Shanghai's 332 parks to fill the void. Two traditional place-based indicators, park area proportion and Gaussianbased 2SFCA accessibility, and three innovative activity-based indicators, park activity frequency, trip length, and duration, were used to measure community-level park accessibility.

After that, we used the Gina index and correlation analysis to investigate social and geographic inequality. Place-based and activity-based indicators differed across cities, indicating that human activities have a significant impact on park accessibility. People's actual use of parks reduced the geographic disparity in park distribution. However, the social inequity of park access among the total population was more evident than that among the low-recreation-demand population, and residents of communities with higher quality built environments had a higher frequency of park activities and shorter trip lengths. As a result, in order to address the disparities brought on by human activity, policymakers ought to reevaluate how park resources are distributed. The following are some of the ways that our study adds to the existing body of knowledge: 1) compared activity-based and place-based park accessibility in the same context, and 2) selected a population with low recreation demand as a comparison group to investigate the effects of recreation demand on park equity. Despite its inherent spatiality and the obvious advantages of geographical perspectives, there is relatively little empirical research into the geographies of human trafficking. A different aspect of trafficking’s spatiality and spatio-temporality is thoroughly and nuanced examined in a growing body of qualitative research, but comparable quantitative analyses are significantly absent. The majority of what is available consists of crude maps and general assessments of patterns and trends. However, rigorous quantitative work is also essential for expanding accountability, forming responses, and improving comprehension. A novel, empirically supported investigation of the methodological difficulties associated with mapping trafficking is presented in this paper. We use information gleaned from the case files of 450 officially identified victims of labour trafficking, which were accessed through the UK's National Crime Agency. We highlight five aspects of the data that pose particular difficulties for geospatial analysis: integrity of the data (in terms of its completeness, accuracy, and consistency); geographical unpredictability (in terms of specificity and accuracy in space); managing multiple locations (trafficking is a complicated process that involves multiple stages, each of which may involve multiple locations); diversity and disaggregation (important geographical variations in aggregated analysis can be hidden); and trips that weren't clear (it was especially hard to figure out the routes used by traffickers). Additionally, we investigate the repercussions for upcoming research, policy, and practice as well as potential solutions. People who rely on groundwater face health risks as a result of rapid economic development.

Hydro Chemical Evolution

The conditions of groundwater discharge in basins are poor. More attention should be paid to the health risk posed by basins' shallow groundwater. Based on the hydro chemical evolution of shallow groundwater and the assessment of water quality, the health risk posed by shallow groundwater in the five basins of Shanxi Province, China, was discussed. Basin topography is considered to be one of the most important factors in the relationship between groundwater health risks and various hydro geochemical reactions, geological conditions, climatic factors, and human activities. Groundwater hydrochemistry is formed through natural processes like waterrock interaction, dedolomitization, and cation exchange. On the other hand, human activities like farming and mining degrade groundwater. In the basin-mountain systems, the leaching and dilution effects of infiltration precipitation cause distinct temporal changes in the chemical composition and health risks of the basins' groundwater. The spatial and temporal changes are further complicated by basin-specific variations in climate and farming practices. Groundwater quality deterioration is exacerbated by the basin-mountain system's facilitation of convergence and enrichment of water flow and solutes in the basins.

This study demonstrates that the combined effects of anthropogenic activities, geological and geographical factors, and groundwater hazards to human health in basins are magnified. Due to rapid urbanization and climate change, urban heat risks to public health are rising, necessitating greater focus on urban heat mitigation and adaptation strategies that enable climate-sensitive urban design and development. The following are four major factors that contribute to urban heat stress: the urban fabric, urban function (including human activities), background climate, and regional geographic settings (such as topography and distance to water bodies), as well as the urban form (the morphology of vegetated and built surfaces). As urban heat mitigation strategies, the first two factors can be altered and redesigned (such as changing the albedo of surfaces, replacing hard surfaces with pervious vegetated surfaces, or increasing canopy cover). On the other hand, cities' regional geographical settings cannot be altered, and while human activities can be altered, doing so frequently necessitates holistic behavioral and policy changes, whose effects can be difficult to quantify. It can be difficult to distinguish the effects of changes to build and natural forms from the interactions of geographic influences when evaluating the efficacy of urban heat mitigation strategies in observational or traditional modeling studies, limiting the universality of results. Utilizing a comprehensive combination of possible urban forms, an urban morphology data source, and micro-climate modeling, we present a novel method to determine the influence of urban form and fabric on thermal comfort. From zero (fully urban) to complete (fully natural) coverage of grass and trees, daytime air temperatures can drop as much as 5 °C.

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