Effective Fruition of International Conference on Neurology, Neurosurgery and Stroke on June 10-11, 2019

Sameh Elmorsy Hassan

Department of Neurosurgery, El-Matrya Educational Hospital, Egypt, E-mail: Dr_sameh13@hotmail.com

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Stroke conference has been successfully completed on June 10-11, 2019. We must thank the attendees, Holiday Inn, Arena Towers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Conference Centre Staff, the Organizing Committee, Ad-Sponsors, Media partners and everyone else that helped to make this International Conference on Neurology, Neurosurgery and Stroke with the theme, Explore the Novel Innovations in the field of Neurology and Neurosurgery a huge successful conference.

Our Attendees obtained the kind of advance technical information in the area of Neurology that they were seeking, and that their role in the field has been enhanced via their participation. They were able to take part in all the sessions and take advantage of the tremendous advancements in Neurology that scientists are working with.

The Majorly Focused Highlights for our Stroke 2019 Conference were Neurology & Neurological Disorders, Neurosciences, Stroke, Neurosurgery, Alzheimer and Dementia, Parkinson Disease, Neuromuscular Diseases, CNS (Central Nervous System), Neuro Oncology, Stoke And Cerebral Haemorrhage, Psychiatry, Addiction Therapy, Clinical Trails And Drug Development.

Some of the Eminent Neurology, Neurosurgery and Stroke Professionals were the Organizing Committee Members for Stroke 2019

Gerald C Hsu, Eclaire MD Foundation, USA

Deborah Zelinsky, Director Mind-Eye Institute, USA

Ivet Borissova Koleva, Doctor Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Sameh Elmorsy Hassan Elmorsy, Doctor, El-Matrya Educational Hospital, Egypt

Vitaly Kiselev, Federal Neurosurgical Center, Russian Federation

Olutayo Ariyo, Thomas Jefferson University, USA

Deborah Zelinsky, Mind-Eye Institute, Northbrook, IL USA

Gustavo Adolfo Uriza Sinisterra, National University of Colombia

Susanna Mittermaier, Founder of Pragmatic psychology Austria

Paul Lang, CEO / Founder - Epilepsy Connections Affiliated, Australia

Notable Speakers of Stroke 2019

Gerald C. Hsu, EclaireMD Foundation, USA

Vitaly Kiselev, Federal Neurosurgical Center, Russian Federation

Sameh Elmorsy Hassan, Elmatrya Educational Hospital, Egypt

Manish Kumar, Department of Neurosurgery Fortis Hospital Mohali, India

Aurelian Anghelescu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

Andi Asadul Islam, University of Hasanuddin, Indonesia

Karthikeyan Soundrapandian, Consultant Intervention Neurologist Apollo Hospitals Chennai, India

Olutayo Ariyo, Thomas Jefferson University, USA

Nasrullah Mustamir, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Hasanuddin, Indonesia

Edgar Eduardo Rodriguez Lopez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala

Susanna Mittermaier, Founder of Pragmatic psychology Austria

Renee G Brown, Addiction and Mental Health Care Centre, Next Level Recovery,USA

Karthikeyan Soundrapandian, Consultant Intervention Neurologist Apollo Hospitals Chennai, India

Antonio Gustavo Juárez Gracia, CICATA, Unidad Legaria del Instituto Politécnico Nacional Mexico

Svetlana Masgutova, Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute for Neuro-Sensory-Motor Reflex Integration, USA

Paul Lang, CEO / Founder - Epilepsy Connections Affiliated, Australia

Fathi Mahmoud Afifi Nasra, Al Azhar University, Egypt

Stroke 2019 gave justice to the theme “Explore the Novel Innovations in the field of Neurology and Neurosurgery”

All thanks to our Media partners also for associating with us.

Effective Fruition of International Conference on Neurology, Neurosurgery and Stroke on June 10-11, 2019


SAVE THE DATE, Stroke 2020 is coming!

After the Fruitful Finish of the Stroke 2019, We are facilitating its next version "International Conference on Neurology, Neurosurgery and Stroke in Dublin, Ireland on July 13-14, 2020.

The theme focused for the Stroke 2020 is Explore the Novel Innovations in the field of Neurology and Neurosurgery.

Having all of you with us for our Stroke 2020 involves extraordinary Neurology and Neurosurgery Experts. We anticipate all of you sharing your unimaginable learning, investigate thoughts and to make a sprinkle with new improvements at this 2-days occasion.

This time we have introduced some new highlights for our Stroke Conferences

Neurorehabilitation | Neurology and Neurological Disorders | Neuro Cardiology | Neurosurgery | Stoke and Cerebral Haemorrhage | Spine and Endoscopic Surgery | Stroke.

Stroke 2020 means to bring all the Neuroscience experts under all Neurology fields for our Stroke Gatherings to cooperate and share their insight and their most up to date research to the whole Neurology People group. Additionally this time, Our Dublin Stroke Conference will be centre goal for the Worldwide Nervous system science Care Exploration Social orders, Affiliations, and Associations. This occasion will unite Medical caretaker specialists, Executives, Educators, Understudies from the scholarly community and scientists in the field of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Stroke Government authorities and worldwide pioneers to push forward the Nursing Care and Exploration.

Stroke conference is anticipating that more than 200+ Members should illuminate the program. This time the Stroke meetings will arrange a few Oral and Blurb Introductions/Systems administration Sessions/Workshops/Symposiums/Display as we have acquainted a few new tracks with acquire more members.

We are searching forward for the Stroke 2020 gathering to be effective similarly as the Stroke 2019 Meeting!

We respect all the Neurology, Neurosurgery and Stroke Experts, Agents, Specialists, and Understudies to make your delightful nearness in Dublin, Ireland by July 13-14, 2020.

Best Regards,
Sophia Anne,
Program Manager,
Euroscicon Ltd

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