Pediatric rapid response team experience in Saudi Arabia

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The Rapid response team (RT) is a multidisciplinary team that aims at early recognition and management of patients at risk of cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) to reduce the number of patients developing CPA in the hospital setting. Cardiopulmonary Arrest is a catastrophic event that effects hospitalized patient and results in morbidity, high mortality and added cost. Many patients that develop CPA have warning signs in the few hours preceding the event Recognizing warning signs early to identify patients at risk of CPA and initiating proper monitoring and management has the potential to prevent this catastrophic event. The rapid response team is effective in reducing the number of CPA outside the ICU Pediatric rapid response has been shown to be effective in reducing the number of CPA by 71.7% Pediatrics rapid response team use is perhaps the most dramatic strategies implemented to save patients lives. We would like to present our experience of pediatrics rapid response team at king faisal specialist hospital in saudia Arabia.

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