Pasteurization and its standardization for craft breweries

Dhaval Patel1,2*, Thomaz Novaes2, Anish Varshnei2, Mahima Patel3 and Dweipayan Goswami4

1Parul University, India

2Latambarcem Brewers Pvt. Ltd., India

3RMIT University, Australia

4Gujarat University, India

Corresponding Author:
Dhaval Patel, Parul University, India, E-mail:

Received date: June 20, 2021; Accepted date: June 25, 2021; Published date: June 30, 2021

Citation: Dhaval P (2021) Pasteurization and its standardization for craft breweries. Clin Immunol Infect Dis Vol. 5 No.3

Copyright: © 2021 Dhaval P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Pasteurization is a process in which pathogens are eliminated in order to extend the shelf-life of any product. It is very imperative to have a sustainable approach towards everyday practices for the company’s escalation as well as for the product to be viable. Craft beers are ideally preferred without pasteurization. However, pasteurization is a pre-step as far as storage and transportation of the beers need to be considered due to punitive conditions in India. Improper pasteurization can possibly lead to spoilage due to presence of microbes and starts to give undesirable flavors. Typically for any brewery the pasteurization is carried out on the basis of pasteurization unit (PU). One beer bottle after holding the temperature of 62oc for one minute is measured as 1 PU. Standard pasteurization unit is around 12 PU ± 3 PU and the acceptable range is 9 PU to 15 PU. Lethal pasteurization unit is around 5 PU to 7 PU and more than 20 PU will give smokey flavor to the beer. Typically, the pasteurization for breweries is alienated into three zone, first is the pre-heating zone of the beer (35oc to 52oc), the heating zone (62oc to 65oc) and the cooling zone (40oc to 35oc). The heating zone is the pivotal pasteurization zone. The temperature of the beer should be in an exponential graph. For a complete pasteurization, the cycle of these three zones should be completed within one hour (ideally). Pasteurization will make the beers free from any viable microbial cells without altering the original profile of the craft beer.


Dhaval Patel has completed his PhD at the age of 26 years from Parul University and currenly working as a Head Microbiologist at Lathambarcem Brewers, Goa. He has also beed awarded as Young Scientist Award in 2018 and Young Researchers Award in 2019. He has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.

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