Our Responsibilities Being an International Journal

Upadhyay RK*

Department of Botany, Haflong Government College, India

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Plant science and research on it, is of the most important event being conducted currently in order to provide food for rapidly growing population in the world with same available space on the earth. SO, there is a considerable need for advancements in this field and there is the same amount of importance for publishing such research work in order to take it in to the public. With this idea Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research have been started in the year of 2011 an since than it has been rendering its services to this world. Journal publishes fundamental and advanced research in the fields of plant growth, along with providing knowledge, about new danger like diseases and viruses which are causing unaccountable loss towards the farming.

The articles in Asian Journal of plant science and research are soundly unique sources of information focused on specialties and improvements of farming. In a way, information the Journal convey to readers is not fundamentally different from the information what we receive from the scientist/research scholars that attracts our attention to their content. They also offer many ways for us to receive that content. In the similar way, Asian Journal of plant science and research offers many forms of journal content, as per the readers convenience that is we are available in the form of online print, Re-Prints, social media networks. Most of our readers usually prefer the print journal when compared to reading on a smartphone or tablet.

Aim and Scope

Researching on plant science is an important task and process to increase the yield and productivity of plants and tackle the newly invading parasites, insects, draughts, etc., in-order to serve food to the mankind. These days publishing these advancements has become equally important to that of working in a research lab as to serve the farmers, students, researchers and many more with the currently available information. The scope of the Asian Journal of plant science and research includes: Agronomy (Grains, Forages, Industrial and Alternative Crops), Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Cell biology, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Ecology (including Development, Growth Regulation), Entomology, Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology, Ethnoveterinary, Evolutionary Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Horticulture (fruits, vegetables, ornamentals), Microbiology, Molecular biology, Morphology, Nutrition, Pathogen Resistance, Pest Management (Entomology, Plant Pathology, Weed Science), Photosynthesis, Phylogeny, Hylogeography, Physiology, Phytochemistry, Plant Breeding, Plant Genetics, Plant Pathology, Plant Production Systems, Population genetics, Signal Transduction, Stress Physiology, Symbiosis (especially Mycorrhizae and Rhizobia), Systems Biology, Taxonomy, Water Relations and Gas exchange, Weed Science and all other related areas.

Along with these areas there are few more which will fall under the scope of the journal.

Manuscript Submission Process

If you are having any un-published or un-furnished information relevant to the journal then you can make a submission towards us Manuscripts should be submitted via our Online Manuscript Submission System. Authors can go through the “Information for Authors” page available at Journal website. Here we do have a special Editorial Tracking system to carry out review process in a very smooth and a hassle free manner way. Authors, Reviewers, Editors will be provided with confidential credentials after registering at Editorial tracking system in-order to track the manuscript status, review process and Editorial Decision respectively. Editorial decisions depend upon the review comments given by 2-3 potential reviewers who are considered to be subject experts, the decision can be Accept/Revise/Reject.

Digital Marketing Via Social Networking Sites

Being an open access journal we are putting all our efforts to take the scientific data in to the public in order to promote the content and its visibility among the reader available globally by digital media sources like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and also by making regular email campaigns.

Our Focus Towards 2020

Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research being an open access journal supporting large number of scientists and providing a stage for converting the thoughts of formal researchers in to scientific literature and publishing them on our website number. This year we are planning to increase the number of articles being released per issue than the last year with-out compromising in-terms of quality. We are trying to improve our reachability to everyone in-order to take the knowledge to every remote place.


We would like to convey our sincere thanks and regard to all our reviewers, editors and authors who have been working with us through the journey of 10 years with all their interest and willingness towards service towards the scientific society.

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