Nursing Fatigue and Risk Management in Jordan: Gender Expectations and Experiences.

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The study aimed at investigating the level and the types of fatigue among Jordanian nurses. Two fatigue assessment tools, the OFER15 and the FAS tools were adopted to analyse the levels and prevalence of five types of fatigue. The fatigue types analyzed included chronic, acute, and inter-shift (OFER 15) and the physical and mental (FAS) types, respectively. Of critical importance was an evaluation of the impact of gender on Jordanian nurses fatigue levels. A quantitative study analysis was developed. This included a closed-ended questionnaire. The questionnaire was published on Redcap and distributed to potential respondents. A simple random sampling strategy was used to access a minimum 350 respondents from the KAUH and the JUH sites, respectively. The target population base was targeted through flyers sent out to the hospitals administration and the nursing in-charge officer in each of the hospitals..

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