Tan Tock Seng Hospital, SINGAPORE, E-mail: mail@geraldtan.com
The “16th Asia Pacific Nephrology Conference” hosted by conference series with the theme, “Novel Discoveries in the field of Nephrology “was successfully executed during October 09-10, 2019 in Osaka, Japan .The conference offered a unique opportunity to investigators across the globe in order to meet, explore, network and perceive new scientific innovations. The conference received commendable and active participation was received from the Editorial Board Members of OMICS Group Journals as well as from the global scientists, Professors, Academicians, Researcher Scholars and students from diverse fields of Urology and Nephrology. Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Editorial Board Members of OMICS Group Journals as well as from the Scientists, Doctors, Professors, Nursing Lecturers, Nurses, Pharmaceutical Industries, Healthcare Industries, Researchers and Students from the fields of Healthcare, those who involved in this successful event.
The conference commenced with the presence of worthy Keynote forum and among the notable ones, few are listed below.
• Study on factors influencing survival period of HIV/AIDS patients on maintenance hemodialysis” by Su Chunxiong, People's hospital of Nanning, China
• “Pharmacogenomics of essential hypertension: The role of G protein-coupled receptor The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences, USA
Conference series is organizing “17th Asia Pacific Nephrology Conference ” which is going to be held on September 14-15, 2020 at Osaka, Japan. The conference is going to cover the entire field related to Urology and Nephrology, latest research and findings. The Conference will provide a platform where research scholars and students will be able to gain knowledge about new, innovative research and findings from the eminent Scientist, Researchers and Professors. Our Discipline strongly bracing by the possibilities offered by Nephrology, needs this important moment, which can be reviewed by our World Congress Event. In the same way, the achievements of randomized clinical trials, epidemiological surveys, and large meta-analysis will allow us to better understand the possibilities and advantages of our therapies and diagnostic approaches.
The conference highlights of Nephrology Summit 2020 are as follows: Nephrology Metabolic, Fluid & Electrolyte disorders, Pediatric Nephrology, Geriatric Nephrology, Diabetic Nephropathy, Nephrology Nursing , Clinical Nephrology, Renal Nutrition & Metabolism ,Urinary Tract Infection &Urology, Technological Advancements in Nephrology, Renal Transplantation and Immunology, Onconephrology and Nephritis, Renal Nutrition, Inflammation, and Metabolism, Kidney/Urology/Urinary Tract Infections, Dialysis and Renal Care, Nephrologists & Entrepreneurs Investment Meet
Walter white
Program Manager
Email: nephrologysummit@asiapacific.com
WhatsApp Number: +44 1343260004