Neuroscience, Psychomotor and Exercise Sciences in Military Air Force

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To challenge the great opportunities, to explore the fatigue, the limits, the stress of a human being. Develop new fitness, training, cognitive programs for particular environments or specialist roles such as air forces or astronauts. find out how to improve decision-making, deep skills and bring out the hidden potential within a military, special forces man or war veteran. The aim of this study was to extrapolate, through scientific evidence and previous work on the effects of microgravity, on the role of neuroscience, physical exercise and psychomotor skills. Through verbal and non-verbal language, tonic-emotional communication, one is able to help the person in his uniqueness, exploiting the communicative, emotional and motor potential of the latter which, remained latent, led him to isolation; therefore trying to develop a harmonious relationship with himself and with the world. I hope that this work can provide food for thought with respect to the essential need of each individual to be satisfied. They must take into account and take a "look" into the needs, desires and potential of the individual. Within this thesis, the theory and practice of this science has been briefly described, its application, in the specific case, in the isolation of the special forces, in the cognitive and postural adaptation capacity of the military air force. described the techniques, such as Psychocontact and the motor-muscular relaxation methods that I have mostly used in this path, still in progress. I conclude my thesis with personal considerations on this experience that involved me personally, no longer looking only with the eyes of a rehabilitation therapist, but with those of a professional, of a health scientist whose training is based on a egodynamic conception, centered on the subject in its entirety and in its complexity.)

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