Neurological effects of Long therapy: ivermectin as effective therapy

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Increasing report of persistent and disabling symptoms after recovery from acute COVID -19 have been reported and that have termed as “ Long COVID “ and it occur in 10% to 30% of cases. On neurological point of view patients describe memory impairment abs concentration, described as “brain fog “and is highly suggestive of chronic fatigue syndrome. Although a specific treatment is not yet validated to treat Long COVID syndrome, we reported our experience with ivermectin in such patients. We treated 50 patients with 0, 2 mg /kg to 0, 4 mg/kg for 3 to 7 days according symptomatic expression (mild to moderate). We found a resolution in 85% of the patients treated with Ivermectin. Our experience suggest that ivermectin could be a gold standard treatment in long COVID neurological symptoms . Further studies are needed to confirm this data.

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