Nephrologists Congress 2020 scheduled during November June 22-23, 2020 at Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Lavinia Bratescu

Chief Physician at Diaverum Morarilor Nephrology and Dialysis Medical Center Bucharest, Romania. E-mail:

Visit for more related articles at Journal of Nephrology and Transplantation

Nephrology is professed to have the acclaim of prescription stressed over kidney physiology, kidney illness, the treatment of kidney issues and renal substitution treatment. Central conditions that impact the kidneys (for instance diabetes and invulnerable framework illness) and basic gives that happen due to kidney issues (for instance metabolic bone disease and hypertension)

Nephrologists Congress manages investigation of Nephrology and Hypertension just as its illnesses like Renal Diseases, ordinary kidney work, kidney issues, the treatment of kidney stone issues and renal substitution treatment, CKD which are normal like haemodialysis and kidney transplantation. Kidney work thinks about: Increased degrees of blood urea nitrogen and keratinize are the signs of intense renal disappointment. Foundational conditions that affect the excretory organs like polygenic infection and ailment and general issues that happen as consequences of kidney issues like urinary organ dystrophy and cardiovascular malady are likewise considered in nephrology. A MD WHO has attempted additional training to become partner degree proficient in medication May choice themselves a nephrologists or urinary organ MD

Nephrologists Congress 2019 was aim to focus on new advances for prevention/treatment in the field of nephrology and hypertension which was held in November 11-12, 2019 at Istanbul, Turkey.

ME Conferences is glad to schedule the “16th International Conference on Nephrology and Hypertension” on June 22-23, 2020 at Abu Dhabi, UAE. Let’s meet and try to find out new approaches for the treatment of kidney and its related diseases at Abu Dhabi for better future.


Acute Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Hemodialysis Patient by Dr. Lavinia Bratescu from Diaverum Morarilor Romania.

Willingness of Hemodialysis Patient’s Family Members toward Kidney Donation: A Cross Sectional Study by Ahmad Makeen from Ministry from Guard Health Affairs, Saudi Arabia.

Riya Jalan

Program Manager | Nephrologists Congress 2020
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