Mud Therapy and other Simple Solutions for Health.

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There are so many health tools and treatments people can use to increase their health. As practitioners so many of us focus on labwork, nutrients and, often, complicated remedies, that patients do in office. I find patient compliance to be higher when I give them homework so they can empower themselves. The homework must be easy to do, if we want them to succeed and to continue on their journey toward optimal health. I have found that giving small things which can be done anywhere, anytime and be FREE of cost improves the outcomes for success. Little things can go a long way. I will love to share some of these Simple Solutions with you. Additionally I will like to share one of my favorite remedies that can be done in office and at home: Mud Therapy. It is an ancient remedy to detoxify and cleanse the organs, glands and muscles literally through the skin – our biggest organ! Most people feel clear and energized right away. This is a fantastic remedy for the overload of heavy metal toxins in the environment and especially useful for children because it is topical and – after all it is mud! They love it. Parents can continue the treatments at home making it easier for them and more affordable.

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