Molecular Biology and Biotechnology plays an important role in the Development of Health..

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The aim of presentation consist of molecular biology and biotechnology, health, daily life, poverty and hunger were studied and reported that molecular biology and bio technology is the major tool for the development of health, basic need of daily life, reduction in poverty and hunger in the world. The study reported that molecular biology is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of the macromolecules (e.g. proteins and nucleic acids) essential to life. The study further reported that biotechnology is the use of organisms in manufacturing processes to create products or to solve industrial or environmental problems. In other words, biotechnology is the use of the data and techniques of engineering and technology for the study and solution of problems concerning living organisms. The study reported that the science of biotechnology is an industry and can be broken down into sub disciplines called red, white, green, and blue. Red biotechnology involves medical processes such as getting organisms to produce new drugs. White biotechnology involves industrial processes such as the production of new chemicals or the development of new fuels for vehicles. Green biotechnology applies to agriculture and involves such processes as the development of pest-resistant grains or the accelerated evolution of disease-resistant animals. Blue biotechnology, rarely mentioned, encompasses processes in marine and aquatic environments, such as controlling the proliferation of noxious water-borne organisms.

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