Market Analysis on Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering
Tissue engineering incorporates biological components, such
as cells and growth factors, with engineering principles and
synthetic materials. Artificial tissues can be produced by first
seeding human cells onto scaffolds, which may be made from
collagen or from a biodegradable polymer. The scaffolds are then
incubated in mediums containing growth factors, which stimulate
the cells to grow and divide. As cells spread across the scaffold,
the artficial tissue is formed. This tissue can be implanted into the
human body, with the implanted scaffold eventually being either
absorbed or dissolved.
The global tissue engineering market is poised to grow at a
healthy 17.22% CAGR over the estimated years (2017-2022).
Based on applications, the tissue engineering market
is segmented into GI and gynaecology, cord blood and cell
banking, neurology, urology, cardiology, dental, cancer, skin/
integumentary and orthopaedics, musculoskeletal and spine.
Of these, orthopaedics, musculoskeletal and spine will have the
maximum share in the market over the estimated years. The
global antiviral drug resistance market is expected to reach US$
4,573.24 Mn in 2027 from US$ 2,572.26 Mn in 2018. The Antiviral
drug resistance market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 6.8%
from 2019-2027.
Overall, the Tissue Engineering market, globally, for 2019 is
projected to touch US$25.4billion.
The technology has reached a stage where the products offer
a reduced rate of rejection by the body, which would further
propel the market for Tissue Engineering. Though North America
is the leading global region for revenues garnered from Tissue
Engineering, Asia-Pacific is likely to outpace all other regions by
posting the fastest CAGR over the analysis period.
Orthopaedics, Musculoskeletal & Spine applications corner
the largest share of the global market for Tissue Engineering in
terms of application, which is estimated at 60.5% or US$13.5
billion in 2018 and is projected to reach US$34.7 billion by 2024
at a CAGR of 17.1% between the two years.
List Of Tissue Engineering Companies
USA Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Companies:
Synthecon Industry | Cell Serve Laboratory | Cell Therapies
| Biomaterials Conferences | Living Cell Technologies | Bone
Therapies | Regen Bio Pharma | Cellular Biotechnologies |
Immatics Biotechnologies | Tissue Engineering Conferences | Bio
fabrication for Medicine (Morini) Laboratories | Regenerative
Medicine Laboratories | Vericel Industry | Kolon Tissue Gene
Laboratories | Novartis Industries | Pharma Cell | Tissue Science
Conferences USA | Kiadis Pharma | Mesoblast Industries | Vet
Stem Biopharma Industries | OncoMed Pharmaceuticals | Invivo
Gen Therapeutics | Stem Cell Conferences 2019 | New Link
Genetics | Cytori Therapeutics | Celther Polska | Cell Therapy
Conferences | OxStem Industries
Europe Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Companies:
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals | Alnylam Pharmaceuticals |
BridgeBio | Ilya Pharma | CeMM - Research Center for Molecular
Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences | MRC Laboratory
of Molecular Biology | Genome British Columbia | Institut Pasteur
| Magnisense | IFOM The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology
Foundation | SOLEIL Synchrotron | Boehringer Ingelheim | CRCL
- Cancer Research Centre of Lyon | iMM Lisboa - Instituto de
Medicina Molecular | EBI - European Bioinformatics Institute |
Clinical Pathology Laboratories | Archives-Pathology & Lab Med
Middle East Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials
Al Zahrawi Medical | Qatar Scientific Company | Afghanpharma
| AL Baker | Biotech Pharma Services | Pharmalink | Pharma
Trade | Planet Pharmacies LLC | Julphar Gulf Pharmaceutical
Industries | QIAGEN | Biosytech | | ProSpec
| Global Hawk Imaging & Diagnostics | Allied Diagnostics |
Gulf Diagnostics Center WLL | Medsol Diagnostics | Minerva
Diagnostics laboratory
Asia Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Companies:
Dr Lal PathLabs Pvt Ltd | Riken Genesis | Ascletis – RNAi
Therapeutic | City Diagnostic and Health Care Clinic | ForteBio
| Acton Biotech | Dr. Dangs Pathology Labs | Helix Pathlabs
| Clontech | Mullackals | SwitchGear Genomics | Piramal
Diagnostics | Abgent | YSS enzymes | SRL Diagnostics Ltd | Xcelris
Genomics | Thyrocare Technologies Ltd | Schrodinger | CLC Bio |
Biocon | Syngene | Panagene | ToolGen | 3D Matrix | Integrated
DNA Technologies | Ayoxxa | Austrianova Biotechnology |
Vivantis Technologies
African Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Companies:
Alere Inc| Bio-Reference Laboratories | DaVita Healthcare
Partners Inc. | Genomic Health Inc., | Synexa Life Sciences |
Myriad Genetics Inc., | NeoGenomics Inc., | Quest Diagnostics
Inc., | Kapa Biosystems | Sonic Healthcare Limited | Biotech
Africa | SYNLAB International GMBH
Australian Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Companies:
Clinical Centre of Serbia | Charite – Universitatsmedizin
Berlin | Starna | Cynata | PX Biosolutions | Regeneus | Antisense
Therapeutics | Integrated DNA Technologies | BMG Labtech |
PolyActiva | Genetic Signatures | Viralytics | Benitec | Innate
List Of Tissue Engineering Universities
USA Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Universities:
West Chester University| Indiana University | Purdue
University Indianapolis | State University of New York |
Binghamton University | State University of New York | University
of Arizona | Community Colleges of Spokane | Valencia College
| Madonna University | San Jose State University | Virginia
Commonwealth University | University of Alabama | Virginia Tech
| St. John's University | Northern Arizona University | Arizona
State University | University of Cincinnati | Colorado State
University | Kent State University | Mississippi State University
| Western Michigan University | Biomaterial Conferences |
Montana State University |Texas A&M University | University of
New Mexico | California State University | University of Maine |
Wright State University | Old Dominion University | Long Island
University | Loyola University Chicago | Troy University | Wichita
State University
Europe Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Universities:
KTH Royal University | Tissue Engineering Conferences 2019
| Imperial College London | ETH Zurich | University of Cambridge
| KU Leuven | University of Groningen | Regenerative Medicine
Conferences | Trinity College Dublin | University of Sheffield
| Pompeu Fabra University | Sorbonne University | Charles
University | University of Pardubice | University of Copenhagen
| Aalto University | University of Grenoble | Lille University |
University of Lyon | Chimie Paris tech | University of Poitiers |
Tissue Engineering Conferences | University of Pau and Adour
Country | University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne | University
of Strasbourg | University in Aachen | University of Bayreuth
| Technical University of Berlin | Ruhr University Bochum |
Sapienza University of Rome | University of Navarra
Asia Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Universities:
Nanyang Technological University | Tsinghua University |
National University of Singapore | Peking University | University
of Tokyo | Nanjing University | Kyoto University | Fudan
University | University of Science and Technology of China |
Osaka University | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology | East China University of Science and Technology
| Dalian University of Technology | Xiamen University | Jilin
University | Nankai University | Tohoku University | National
Taiwan University | Seoul National University | Shanghai Jiao Tong
University | King Abdullah University of Science & Technology |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | KAIST - Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | City University of
Hong Kong | Peking University | Chinese University of Hong Kong
Middle East Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Universities:
Arabian Gulf University | Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
| Mohammed bin Rashid University | Jordan University of Science
and Technology | Hashemite University | University of Jordan
| Mutah University | Yarmouk University | Kuwait University
| Oman Medical College | Sultan Qaboos University | King
Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences | Salman bin
abdlaziz university | Alfaisal University | Imam Muhammad ibn
Saud Islamic University | King Abdulaziz University | King Saud
University | University of Dammam | Al-Majmaah University |
Maarefa Medical College | Dubai Medical College | Gulf Medical
University | United Arab Emirates University | University of
Sharjah | Ras al-Khaimah Medical and Health Sciences University
| Masdar Institute of Science & Technology | Gulf Medical
University | American University of Ras al Khaimah AURAK
|Alhosn University | Canadian University of Dubai
African Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Universities:
University of Cape Town | University of Pretoria | University
of South Africa | University of the Witwatersrand | University
of KwaZulu-Natal | Universities Stellenbosch | University of
Johannesburg | North-West University | University of Nairobi
| University of the Western Cape | The American University
| University of Ibadan | Cairo University | Cape Peninsula
University of Technology | Addis Ababa University | Egerton
University University of Ghana | University of Nigeria | Eduardo
Mondlane University | University of Lago | Kenyatta University
| Durban University of Technology | Covenant University
| Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology |
Mansoura University | University of Dar es Salaam | Ahmadu
Bello University | Ain Shams University | Jimma University and
Ethiopia | Alexandria University
Australian Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Universities :
Australian National University | Australian Catholic University
| Australian National University | Carnegie Mellon University
- Australia | Central Queensland University | Charles Darwin
University | Charles Sturt University | Deakin University | Edith
Cowan University | Federation University Australia | Flinders
University | Griffith University | James Cook University | La
Trobe University | Macquarie University | Monash University
| Murdoch University | Queensland University of Technology | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology | Southern Cross
University | The University of Notre Dame Australia | University
of Queensland | University of South Australia | University of
Southern Queensland | University of the Sunshine Coast |
University of Sydney | University of Tasmania | University of
Technology Sydney | The University of Western Australia |
University of Wollongong | Western Sydney University | Victoria
List Of Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering Journals
Journal of Cell Tissues Organs | Journal of Calcified Tissue
Research | Journal of Cell and Tissue Biology | Journal of
Cell Stem Cell | Journal of Cell and Tissue Research | Journal
of Cellular Therapy and Transplantation | Journal of Hard
Tissue Biology | Journal of Tissue Science | Journal Of Tissue
Engineering | Journal of Tissue Antigens | Journal of Tissue and
Cell | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Journal of Tissue
World | Journal of Cell Biology | Journal of Toxicology | Journal
of Cell Transplantation | Journal of Cell Metabolism | Journal of
Cellular Biology Research | Journal of Molecular Biology Research
| Journal of Regenerative Medicine | Journal of Stem Cells |
Journal of Stem cells and Development | Journal of Biomaterials
| Biomaterial Conferences 2019 | Journal of Biomaterials and
Tissue Engineering | Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicines | Journal of Cell Regeneration | Journal of European
Cells and Materials | Journal of Nature Cell Biology | Journal of
Molecular Cell | Journal of Trends in Cell Biology | Cell Therapy
Conferences | Journal of BMC Biology
Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Associations
Boston Children's Hospital | Cincinnati Children's Hospital |
Tissue Engineering Conferences | Nationwide Children’s Hospital
| University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) | Alta Bates
Summit Medical Center | Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative
Medicine | Regenerative Medicine Conferences 2019 | Infinity
Clinic | Unique Cell Treatment Clinic | EmCell Clinic | German
International Clinic | First Bio Dent-Clinic | Kolan Hospital Group |
Placid Way Germany Medical | National Center for Regenerative
Medicine | Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes
Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Societies
European Tissue Engineering Society (ETES) | European
Tissue Repair Society | UK society for Biomaterials | British
Society for Gene and Cell Therapy | Japanese Society for
Regenerative Medicine | European Society of Regenerative
Medicine | European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT)
| International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) | International
Stem Cell Society | Cancer Stem Cell Society | European Society
of Stem Cell Biology | IPLASS International Placenta Stem Cell
December 02-03, 2020 Valencia, Spain