Market Analysis on 3rd Edition of World Congress on Vaccines & Immunology

Eric Revue

Emergency Physician Toxicologist, Louis Pasteur Hospital, France,

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Market Analysis:

Vaccines Conferences advisory board invites all the participants across the world to attend “3rd Edition of World Congress on “Vaccines & Immunology” going to be held during July 15-16, 2020 in London, UK. The Theme of the conference is "Emphasizing the Challenges and Advancements in Vaccines and Immunization" will explore the advances in Vaccines and Immunology.

Importance & Scope:

This conference could be an exceptional event that brings along a novel and International mixture of huge and medium cognizance on Vaccines and Therapeutics, leading universities engendering the conference an ideal platform to apportion expertise, foster collaborations across trade and world, and assess elevating technologies across the world.

Vaccination is a key to eradicate the diseases. It is a subject for the professionals who looks beyond the clinical prospects. Traditional approaches to vaccine design were to emasculate or inactivate the human pathogen or a cognate animal homologue, Vaccinology is the science of vaccine development and how the immune system responds to vaccines, but additionally includes perpetual evaluation of immunization programs and vaccine safety and efficacy, as well as surveillance of the epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases. This chapter provides a brief overview of some of the main concepts of immunology and Vaccinology as they relate to immunization. Vaccines & Immunization 2020 amasses all the extroverts under one roof of current advances.


The global vaccines market is one of the fastest growing segments and new predictions estimate the value of the market to reach between $48 billion and more than $70 billion over the next five to eight years.

According to a new report released by Transparency Market Research, the value of the global human vaccines market is expected to grow from a $28.3 billion in 2015 to $72.5 billion in 2024. The projection would represent a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2% from 2016 to 2024. Even though the dollar figure is large and growing, vaccines still only account 3% of the market share within the global pharmaceutical industry. The report broke down expectations by segments. By age group, paediatric vaccines accounted for 57.5% of the share in 2015, but adult vaccines are expected to grow at a 13.2% CAGR during the forecast period. When the research group analysed the market by product, they found the pneumococcal segment to have the majority share in 2015, but expect hepatitis products to demonstrate strong growth through 2024. By vaccine type, the conjugate vaccines held the majority share in 2015, but the combination vaccines were expected to have the largest CAGR.


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