Knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in the digital economy

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In the current competitive environment, a new knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship is emerging, dedicated to the utilization of existing knowledge, to the integration and coordination of different knowledge assets and to the creation of new knowledge for developing new products and technologies (Winter, 2016, Nelson 2016, Malerba and McKelvey, 2020). Digital technologies have played an important role in enhancing the management of knowledge detained by knowledge-intensive entrepreneurs, through the integration of dispersed knowledge and the facilitation of its transfer for reuse in solving problems. Indeed, two worlds operate in parallel in the knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship, following different economic principles (Arthur, 1996, Passiante, 2020): • one is characterized by an economic environment based on intensive use of materials, essentially centred on capital and labour as factors of production. • another is concentrated on an intensive use of intangible assets, primarily based on both knowledge as a factor of production and innovative activities as the main users of that knowledge.

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