Knowledge and Attitude of Physical Therapists towards Promotion of Physical Active Lifestyles among Patients

Muhammad Ahmed Qureshi1*, Shumila Shah1 and Fizza Memon2

1Department of Neurology, Isra University, Hyderabad, Pakistan

2Department of Neurology, Hyderabad Institute of Medical and Rehab Sciences, Hyderabad, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author:

Muhammad Ahmed Qureshi, Department of Neurology, Isra University, Hyderabad, Pakistan, E-mail:

Received date: August 1, 2022, Manuscript No. IPPR-22-13552; Editor Assigned date: August 3, 2022, PreQC No. IPPR-22-13552 (PQ); Reviewed date:August 15, 2022, QC No. IPPR-22-13552; Revised date: August 24, 2022, Manuscrip t No. IPPR-22-13552 (R); Published date: August 31, 2022, DOI:10.36648/J Physiother Res.6.8.77.

Citation:Qureshi MA, Shas S, Memon F (2022) Knowledge and Attitude of Physical Therapists towards Promotion of Physical Active Lifestyles among Patients. J Physiother Res Vol.6 No.8: 77.

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Background: The various studies has been conducted that physical activities reduced changes of non-communicable diseases and also risk factor or cause of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, hypertension and also cancer.

Objective: To find knowledge, attitude and practice of physiotherapists towards promotion of physically active lifestyles in patients

Methods: Study was conducted among physical therapist of different universities. Study was convenient. Data was collected by means of a pre design questionnaire. The data analysis was done by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20 version.

Results: Questionnaires of 500 participants were completed and returned back for analysis (response rate of 100%). Regarding knowledge of the physical activity "Taking the stairs at work and generally being more active each day is enough PA to improve health." 24% of the participant said they are strongly agree and 36% said they are agree.

Conclusion: Conclusion of the study based on the finding of the results states that the knowledge of physical therapist regarding physical activity was found to be great and majority of the therapist had good knowledge and positive attitude towards promotion of physical activity among patients.


The various studies has been conducted that physical activities reduced changes of non-communicable diseases and also risk factor or cause of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, hypertension and also cancer.

According to WHO studies 10%-16% of cases of breast, colon and rectal cancer, diabetes mellitus and 22% of ischemic heart disease are caused by lack of physical activity ,it means that physical activity has vital role in restoration and prevention of health .according to WHO research 1.9 million death caused by lack of physical activity.

Physical activity is also called first line of therapy by improving glucose utilization and insulin production and effective in maintains of lipid profile physical active lifestyle has reduces the chances of cardio vascular disease and diabetes.

Physical activity has effectiveness in reducing the several psychogenic disorders such as depression anxiety and mental health according to American college of sport medicine and American heart association it is recommended that in adulthood has follow 30 minutes moderate physical activity 5 days per week. Primary health care practitioners such as physiotherapist has role in promotion of physical activity during promotion at primary care centers health related disorders are prevented by modification of lifestyle by organizing the programmers related effects of physical activities.

As physiotherapist has major role in physical activity promotion physiotherapist is concerned with prescription of exercises for multiple neuro muscular or musculoskeletal condition during rehabilitation program. Nowadays physiotherapy is mainly done at tertiary heath care hospital through special equipments and manual procedure currently physiotherapy should be introduced at primary health care centers. A survey regarding physiotherapist in the United States of America shows that for health promotion physical activity is more needed.

Physical activity programmers during consultation is done by physiotherapist’s for appropriate exercise program in patient management this study is helps in investigation the level of knowledge attitude and counseling practice of physiotherapists towards promotion of non-treatment physical activity among patients.

Physical activity

Physical activity defined as the movement of the body produced by skeletal muscles contraction that requires energy expenditure. It is measured in kilocalories.

Physical activity includes any motion in daily routine throughout the day excluding lying down and sitting still. Few examples of physical activity are walking, running, yoga, swimming, dancing, gardening, taking the stairs, moving the lawn and even cleaning the house can be considered as physical activity.

Regular physical activity rises the life expectancy by its influence on chronic health disease development, by changing the age related biological factors and their associated effects on health through the preservation of functional capacity.

The term physical activity should not refer as exercise, because exercise is the form of physical activity that is planned, structured program.


Exercise is the form of physical activity that is planned, structured repetitive body movements performed to achieve and maintain physical fitness.

Physical fitness

Physical fitness is defined as the ability to carry out daily activities with vigorous or moderate capacity, without being fatigue and enjoy leisure-time activities.

Physical fitness is a physiologic state of well-being that helps to meet the requirements of daily routine and provides the support for active performance. Health related physical fitness includes components of physical fitness such as cardiovascular fitness, musculoskeletal fitness, metabolism and body composition.

Material and Methods

Study design

This study was cross-sectional study.

Study setting

Participants were conducted from “ISRA hospital”, “Majee hospital”, “Al Shifa private clinic”, and “Imam physiotherapy center”, LUMHS university, PUMHS university Hyderabad.

Duration of the study

Six months after the approval of synopsis.

Sampling technique

Convenient sampling was used.

Sample size

500 participants were selected for the study.

Inclusion criteria
  • Participants had at least 1 year of clinical experience.
  • Physical therapist currently in practice.
Exclusion criteria
  • Physical therapist has less than 1 year of experience.
Data collection tool

Data collection tool was a questionnaire extracted from similar study "knowledge, attitude and practice of physiotherapists towards promotion of physically active lifestyles in patient management". The questionnaire has 7 questions, 4 questions related to knowledge of physical activity, 2 question regarding role of physical therapist in promoting physical active life style and 1 question was related to confidence in promoting physical active lifestyle.

Data analysis procedure

Data was analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. descriptive statistics; percentage was used to assess baseline measurement.

Ethical consideration

Confidentiality of data was secured and the identity of participants was coded. Informed consent from each participant was taken.


Age of participants in %
20 years-25 years 38
26 years-30 years 45
>30 Years 17
Total 100
Experience of participants in %
1 years-3 years 54
3 years-5 years 29
>5 Years 17
Total 100

Table 1: Demographic data

S.No Knowledge of physical activity Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly disagree
1 Taking the stairs at work and generally being more active each day is enough PA to improve health. 24 36 30 7 3
2 Half an hour of walking on most days is all the exercise that is needed for good health. 14 30 40 11 5
3 Exercise that is good for health must make you puff and pant. 8 20 36 18 18
4 Several short walks of 10 minutes each on most days is better than one round of golf per week for good health. 34 33 24 7 2
Perception of role
1 Discussing the benefits of a physically active lifestyle with patients is part of the physical therapist’s role. 62 26 7 5 0
2 Suggesting to patients ways to increase daily PA is part of the physical therapist’s role. 57 38 2 0 3
Confidence in promoting Physical activity.
1 I feel confident in giving general advice to patients on a physically active lifestyle. 68 28 0 4 0

Table 2: Knowledge, confidence and role of physical therapist in promoting physically active lifestyle among patients in percentage %.


Now a day's sedentary lifestyles of people is the major risk factor for non-communicable diseases like heart diseases, cancers, diabetes mellitus and many more. A physically active life style of people can make them prevent to develop such types of major diseases and improve their work performance and quality of life. For the promotion of physical activity primary health care professionals are ideally positioned and they have vital role to enhance patient’s awareness regarding physical activity.

Regarding knowledge of physical activity, in this study it is found that 60% of the physical therapist agreed with the statement that taking the stairs at work and generally being more active each day is enough physical activity to improve health and 30% of the physical therapist remained not sure. Whereas another study conducted by Debra Shirley et al that states that 53% of physical therapist believe that taking stairs at work and generally being more active is enough physical activity for health promotion. The results of another study conducted by Aweto et al. regarding this statement was 61% of physical therapist agreed with this statement.

In this study it is found that 44% of physical therapist is agreed that half an hour of walking is enough exercise for good health. In contrast to this, result of the study conducted by Aweto et al. states that 65% of physical therapist agreed with this statement.

 Regarding perception of physical therapist 88% of the therapist believe that discussing the benefits of a physically active lifestyle with patients is part of the physical therapist’s role. The results of Shirley et al. study reveals that 96% of the therapist perception is positive and they agreed with this statement. And similar results were also found in the another study that say 96.1% of the therapist were agreed that it is the part of their job to discuss benefits of physical activity with patients.

In the results of the study if is found that 95% of the physical therapist thinks that suggesting to patient’s ways to increase daily Physical activity is the part of the physical therapist’s role. Similar perception of the physical therapist was also noted in the other studies conducted by Shirley et al. and Aweto et al.

96% of the therapist feel confidence in giving general advice to patients on a physically active lifestyle. And their results of Shirley et al. states similar result that 96% of the therapist were agreed that they feel confident in giving health promotion advice to their patients.


Conclusion of the study based on the finding of the results states that the knowledge of physical therapist regarding physical activity was found to be great and majority of the therapist had good knowledge of physical activity.

The perception of physical therapist was in the favor of promoting physical activity among their patients on regular basis as the part of physical therapist role.

And results show that greater part physical therapist is confident in giving general advice to patients on a physically active lifestyle. 

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