Importance of Mother Milk's Nutritional Pharmacology

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Taurine is the most prevalent free amino acid found in human breast milk. Indeed, when compared to human breast milk samples, cows' milk samples were shown to be substantially low in taurine, it is considered a semi-essential nutrient. It has also been indicated that taurine plays a significant role in learning. The body can produce taurine from vitamin B6 and the amino acids methionine and cysteine, therefore it is not a dietary necessity. Taurine is found in significant concentrations in a variety of human tissues. Taurine is one of the most prevalent amino acid derivatives in the body, with concentrations in the neurological system and muscles, although cells lacking taurine show major pathology. It is thought to alter the release of neurotransmitters (chemicals that carry signals between nerve cells) in the brain, as well as aid regulate heartbeat and maintain cell membranes. Deficiencies in taurine, one of the building blocks of proteins, can occur in vegetarians whose diets lack the necessary building blocks. Taurine appears to play a significant role in intestinal fat absorption, hepatic function, and auditory and visual development in preterm or low-birth-weight newborns, according to research. Relative taurine insufficiency during the neonatal era has been linked to poor long-term cognitive outcomes in preterm newborns, according to observational studies. Taurine has also been shown to improve ABER maturation in preterm newborns, as well as have a role in CNS osmoregulation and possibly operate as a neuroinhibitory and improves the impaired learning and memory ability. Further, We have reported that taurine involves in learning. Indeed, taurine has been shown to restore the learning and memory deficits in animals. Conclusion: For infants, mother feeding is more vital than cow's milk for growth, development, and immunity. In terms of physical development, mental development, and body immunity, Taurine supplementation is recommended for preterm or low birth weight babies. When the mother's milk is unavailable, the best feeding choice for preterm neonates is human milk.

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